College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 124 Section 6. Disciplinary Sanctions and Grade Change Authorization If the Honor Council finds a violation, disciplinary sanctions related to the violation, including, but not limited to, authorization of a maximum grade change will be recommended to the dean. If a violation is not affirmed, the matter will be considered concluded and the dean will be notified that the matter has concluded. All sanctions require a majority vote by the Honor Council. In all cases, the accused shall be verbally informed that the court is a recommending body to the dean and the final decision is made by the dean. 1. Disciplinary Sanctions Options available to the Honor Council for disciplinary sanctions include, but are not limited to, the following: • Warning—A written warning is given stating the decision of the Honor Council. • Probation—The probation is for a specific time period. In addition to a written warning, the Honor Council may stipulate loss of privileges and specific restrictions concerning activities. Failure to meet these specifications will constitute an additional violation of the CO Rules of Conduct. • Suspension—The student’s enrollment at the college is suspended for a period of time to be determined by the Honor Council. The student is eligible for reenrollment after the expiration of the term, but satisfactory completion of specified stipulations may be required for reenrollment. • Dismissal—The student is terminated from the CO. After one year, a student may petition for reenrollment. A decision to reenroll the student is the decision of the dean. • Other sanctions—The Honor Council may impose other appropriate sanctions singularly or in combination with any of the above-listed sanctions, including, but not limited to, community service, restitution, loss of specific privileges, and makeup assignments. 2. Grade Change Authorization Change in either an individual assignment or test grade and/or course grade by the instructor of record may be authorized by the dean based on the Honor Court’s recommendation. Article V. Records 1. The coordinator of the Honor Council will maintain written records of the activities of the Honor Council. 2. A separate Honor Council file will be kept in the administrative office of the dean. Documents related to the Honor Council will be maintained in this location and include, but are not limited to, written complaints, Honor Council assignments, and Honor Council reports. 3. Any notifications of the outcome will be kept as part of the records of the Honor Council. 4. All records of the proceedings of the Honor Council will be made available to the dean. 5. I nformation regarding the identities of those involved in a hearing shall remain strictly confidential. Release of information should be done with discretion by the dean in consultation with the Honor Council and should be based on a justifiable, need-to-know basis in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.