Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 121 4. The Honor Council chair will be the associate dean for Academic Affairs. 5. T he associate dean shall also serve as coordinator of the Honor Council. The coordinator shall serve as a nonvoting secretary of the Honor Council. The coordinator can bring matters to the Honor Council and conduct hearings and administrative business. Terms of Appointment on the Honor Council 6. Student members shall be appointed following annual elections each year. 7. Faculty members will be appointed in fall term with no restriction on reappointment. 8. The dean shall have the authority to appoint faculty members and student replacements to the Honor Council if existing members cannot complete the term of appointment. The dean shall have the authority to appoint faculty members and student emergency alternates to the Honor Council only if a quorum of members is not available for a meeting. 9. In the event a student vice president is not able to attend an Honor Council meeting, the class president, class secretary, or class treasurer (in this order) are the preferred alternates (appointed by the dean) as needed. 10. A ll members of the Honor Council (with the exception of the chair/coordinator) will be voting members. All members will have an equal vote. 11. T he Honor Council shall review the information received related to the reported violations of the CO Rules of Conduct and conduct hearings to determine the validity of the reported violations. Section 2. Procedures for Handling Suspected Violations 1. Students and faculty and staff members in the CO are honor bound to report suspected violations of the CO Rules of Conduct, in writing, within five business days of the date of discovery of the incident in question to the chair of the Honor Council. Alternately, a student or a faculty or staff member may report a suspected violation to the dean or instructor of record, who then reports directly to the coordinator of the Honor Council. In the absence of the associate dean for Academic Affairs, either the chair of didactic education or clinical education will lead the honor council. 2. A person who suspects a CO Rules of Conduct violation has the right to clarify such suspicion by confronting the student immediately at the time of the occurrence and advising the student to terminate the unethical action or practice. It is recommended that this discussion take place in the presence of a witness whenever possible. 3. U pon the receipt of an allegation of a CO Rules of Conduct infraction, the chair of the Honor Council will review the allegation to determine whether it is germane to the CO Rules of Conduct and, if so, the specific charge(s) to be adjudicated. 4. If it is determined that a hearing is required, the coordinator will • notify the accused student and the instructor of record (if the instructor of record was not the individual reporting the suspected violation) in writing of the specific charge(s) and schedule a hearing with the Honor Council as soon as possible