College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 118 Students on academic warning with a cumulative GPA below 2.75 are recommended to register for an August examination date of the NBEO Applied Basic Science (Part I) instead of the March examination date to allow more time to prepare for this important examination. Students must consent to the release of scores for all attempts and all parts of the NBEO examination or provide copies of official score report reflecting all attempts in order to meet graduation requirements. Class and Examination Schedules Schedules for both classes and examinations are determined by the dean’s office in consultation with concerned faculty members. Student input may also be solicited on appropriate issues. Students and their representatives must refrain from generating other arrangements. Externships An important part of students’ clinical training is achieved through service on an externship. Assignment to externship rotations is a critical element of each student’s professional development. Therefore, this assignment is made by the collective professional judgment of a faculty committee to provide the best possible match between the characteristics of a specific externship site and the particular academic and clinical abilities and needs of each student without compromise to the standards and reputation of either the externship site or NSU. Code of Behavioral Standards All students enrolled at NSU’s CO are governed by the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility adopted by the university and the HPD and by the additional rules and policies outlined in this handbook. Students are expected to exhibit behavior consistent with the high standards of the optometric profession. Compliance with institutional rules and regulations, as well as city, state, and federal law, is expected. Violations of NSU Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be handled by the NSU Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs. Optometry students shall act honorably and ethically and shall not tolerate dishonest, unethical actions or inappropriate conduct. It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate behavior that would raise serious questions concerning a student’s status as a student optometric physician or a student’s ability to practice after graduation. Every student shall dress in a manner appropriate for the optometric physician in accordance with the CO Dress Code.