Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 116 The following constitutes acceptable attire: • Standard O.D. program dress code: Only surgical green scrubs or professional attire with closed toe shoes are appropriate in meeting the CO dress code. Additionally, outerwear is acceptable. • Professional attire: Shirt and tie or blouse with slacks, pants or skirt, or a dress with appropriate shoes. • Exam dress code: Can be found in our Examination Policy (SharkLink, Optometry tab). Additionally, the following are also parts of the dress code and are to be worn at all times: 1. Identification badges/SharkCard: Issued at the One-Stop Shop in the HPD’s Terry Building and in the Horvitz Administration Building. Badges must be worn and visible at all times when the student is on campus or at a clinical rotation. Please note that I.D. badges are necessary for proper use of on-campus auditoriums, library, and recreational facilities and laboratories. These badges are given to students at no charge, except for replacements. 2. W hite Coats: Students must wear their white clinic coats with their names, optometry shoulder patch, and appropriate designation embroidered over or on the left breast pocket. The white coat is to be worn daily over the standard O.D. program attire. Although South Florida is more casual than some parts of the country, clinical dress code standards are designed to instill confidence in patients. White jackets may be removed at the discretion of the attending optometrist, based on the climate of the clinic and/or the demographics of the patient base (e.g., pediatric patient population). Examples of inappropriate grooming, dress, or student conduct include • plunging necklines, low-cut backs, large openings on sleeveless tops, or see-through material • tight shirts, dresses, or miniskirts with slits above the knee; capri or stretch pants • visible navels, piercings placed anywhere other than ears, unnatural nail grooming • sandals or any footwear resembling beachwear • body odor, excessive perfume or aftershave, or halitosis • denim • gum chewing • beverages or food in patient care areas • performance not consistent with the Eye Care Institute’s Patient Bill of Rights • behavior not compliant with clinic policies, including medical records, HIPAA, or OSHA standards Students inappropriately dressed or groomed may be dismissed from the classroom, laboratory, and/or the clinical site. Noncompliance with the dress code requirements may be included in student evaluations. Repeated violations will be considered improper professional behavior and may be brought