Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 113 Requirements for Graduation The degree(s) of Bachelor of Science in Vision Science and the Doctor of Optometry are awarded to candidates who have demonstrated to the faculty their ability to meet the standards of the optometric program. Students from foreign countries may petition to be released from taking the National Board (Part II) examination. The degree(s) will be conferred on all candidates who have satisfactorily completed all course and eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Vision Science, each student shall • have satisfactorily completed the program of study required for the degree with a minimum overall GPA of 2.0. • have satisfactorily met all financial obligations In order to be eligible for the degree of Doctor of Optometry, each student shall • have satisfactorily completed the program of study required for the degree, including all assignments, as outlined in the catalog with a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 • have satisfactorily met all financial and library obligations • have obtained a baccalaureate degree* • attend, in person, the commencement program, at which time the degree is conferred • submit copies of official score reports or consent for release of scores for all attempts for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) - Patient Encounters and Performance Skills (PEPS) Examination Parts I, II, and III. * Upon the successful completion of the second year of optometric study, the CO may award a baccalaureate degree to those who do not possess a baccalaureate degree and who have completed 90 credit hours of undergraduate work. Volunteer Service NSU’s CO has a modest service requirement of 10 hours each academic year. As part of this requirement, a student must attend ONE screening or fair per academic year. The goal is to involve students in service activities with the intention of encouraging them to develop a lifelong habit of community service. This service is to be completed prior to the start of the next academic year and is monitored by the director of Community Outreach for the CO. Students are permitted to perform optometrically related services (such as community outreach events), as well as fulfill other unmet needs in the community. Failure to report to a scheduled volunteer activity will require making up twice the time missed. Clinical Patient Encounter Log Students are required to maintain a detailed log of all patient encounters in which they participated during requisite rotation. These encounters are entered by students through Meditrek, a medical education management system.