Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 106 Examination Policies and Procedures Students are expected to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the examination. Students who arrive late at an examination location will not be permitted to take the examination if any other student has turned in the examination and left the location. See Examination Guidelines found on SharkLink, Optometry tab, for more detailed information. Grading Policies and Procedures Academic performance in all lecture courses and all laboratory courses (see exceptions below) is assessed using the following letter grade equivalents on a 4.0 scale: Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CF Percentage Grade 93 and above 90–92 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 73–76 70–72 < 70 Equivalent on 4.0 Scale 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 0.00 For procedural laboratory courses (OTM series), theoretical optics laboratory courses, and all clinical courses, grades are awarded as follows: Pass C- (1.75) and above Fail Below C- (1.75) PH Pass with Honors PM Pass Marginally Students not satisfying all requirements for a course may receive one of the following grades: I Incomplete IP In Progress W Withdrawal If a student formally withdraws from the program three weeks prior to the end of the semester, with the endorsement of the associate dean for Academic Affairs, a grade of W will be entered for all courses for which the student was registered. Withdrawal from a course in the last three weeks of class will result