College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 107 Students should refrain from having any voluntary ocular procedures such as refractive surgery performed. If such procedures will prevent them from serving as a patient for clinical procedures, they may be required to take an administrative break in enrollment until they can again fully participate in laboratory and clinical exercises. Clinical Remediation Any student identified by the instructor of record to be at risk for failure of a clinic may be required to enroll in a remediation program. The goal of the remediation program is to enhance the student’s clinical performance and to provide the student with the tools to be successful in completing the course requirements. The instructor of record for the clinical course shall submit a formal learning contract between the student and the instructor to the chair of the Department of Clinical Education. The learning contract shall identify the faculty mentor, enumerate additional assignments, and delineate areas of concern regarding the student’s performance. At the end of the term or rotation, the instructor of record shall update the department chair regarding the student’s progress and issue a final grade for the program. Readmission Policy Any former student may apply for readmission to the professional program, even if the student has been previously dismissed for academic reasons or withdrawn. Readmission is the sole discretion of the dean who may consult with the Student Performance Advisory Committee (SPAC), other administrators, and faculty members in making a decision. A readmitted student should not expect to reenter the program at the same point that the student withdrew. The level at which a student is readmitted is the sole province of the dean. If the dean offers readmission to a student as an alternative to mandated dismissal (as recommended by the SPAC), an agreement between the student and the CO must be prepared that sets forth, exactly, the conditions that must be met, including the student’s class status and date of matriculation. The student’s readmission will be contingent upon the student’s accepting and signing this agreement between the student and the CO. The dean may require candidates for readmission to undertake specific remediations. These may include, but are not confined to, undertaking additional pre-optometric coursework at specified levels of difficulty; seeking training in English, either spoken or written; correcting previously identified extenuating circumstances that may have interfered with the student’s performance; or seeking treatment for medical or psychological problems that interfered with previous performance. An applicant for readmission will be required to document any of these requirements to the satisfaction of the dean. Readmitted students will be held to the academic requirements of the class with which they will graduate, not the one with which they entered the program the first time. Readmission with advanced standing should not be expected by a student when the student has been out of the program for a period longer than three years. Once readmitted students have matriculated, they may not attempt to renegotiate the conditions under which they were readmitted.