Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 105 During an administrative break in enrollment, the student must follow the prescribed instructions and requirements associated with the administrative break in enrollment and, if applicable, complete rehabilitation or treatment for the reason that precipitated the necessity for the administrative break in enrollment. To resume the program, the student will be required to meet with the assistant dean for Student Affairs and Admissions and the associate dean for Academic Affairs to show that the preestablished instructions and requirements have been met and that the student shows reasonable likelihood that previous problem(s) will not recur. They will make a recommendation to the dean as to whether the student may resume the program. The student will be required to sign an agreement that specifies the parameters of the administrative break in enrollment. The agreement may not be renegotiated once the administrative break in enrollment has commenced. Failure to resume studies at the terminal date of administrative break in enrollment will be regarded as a voluntary withdrawal from the program. This voluntary withdrawal from the program will be documented on the official transcript and will be retroactive to the last date of attendance. If the student wishes to return to the program, the student is required to reapply for admission. The time spent away from the program will not be counted toward the six-year limit imposed for the completion of the program. 3. Course Status During an Administrative Break in Enrollment If a student begins an administrative break in enrollment beyond the drop/add period, the student will be withdrawn from the course(s). A grade of withdrawal (W) will be noted on the student’s transcript. In such cases of withdrawal from a course, the student must repeat the course in its entirety during the next course offering, after returning from administrative break in enrollment, and will receive the earned grade. Until the course is repeated, the student may not progress to the next class year of study. If a student did not begin one or more courses during the semester in which the student begins the administrative break in enrollment, the student will be dropped from those course(s) and those courses will not be reflected on the student’s academic record and transcript. While on an administrative break in enrollment, a student is not eligible to attend any class or laboratory session, make up incomplete class work, or take any class examinations. A student who is on an administrative break in enrollment is not eligible to take any NBEO examinations. A student who has been scheduled for one or more remediation examinations, or one or more course retakes, is not eligible to take an administrative break in enrollment except for documented medical reasons or for special circumstances approved by the Office of the Dean. An administrative break in enrollment beyond one year in length is generally not permitted. A student requesting an administrative break in enrollment beyond one year in length must meet with the assistant dean for Student Affairs and Admissions and the associate dean for Academic Affairs, who will make a recommendation to the dean regarding resumption of the program. 4. Communication with the CO During a Leave of Absence/Administrative Break in Enrollment A student who is on an LOA or an administrative break in enrollment must communicate every two months with the assistant dean for Student Affairs and Admissions for the duration of the LOA/administrative