Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 104 Dean’s List • GPA between 3.60 and 3.79 • clinic grade of pass with honors (PH) during externships Graduation with Honors Students receiving their O.D. degree are eligible for the following honors: • Students receiving a 3.60–3.80 GPA will graduate with honors. • Students receiving greater than a 3.80 GPA will graduate with highest honors. Leave from Studies It is recognized that students may need to temporarily discontinue all coursework (which includes clinical rotations) either voluntarily or by administrative action. This can occur through a leave of absence (LOA) or an administrative break in enrollment. 1. Leave of Absence (LOA) A leave of absence (LOA) is a university-approved temporary period of time during which the student is not in attendance but is not considered withdrawn from the university. Students who experience extenuating and unavoidable circumstances that prevent them from maintaining an active status through continuous enrollment must consult with the Office of Student Affairs to determine whether their circumstances warrant an LOA request and to discuss the impacts of an approved LOA on their degree/program completion, academic standing, course grades, and conditions for return. Financial aid recipients who wish to request an LOA must also consult with a financial aid counselor to learn about impacts on their financial aid eligibility. An LOA request must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester/term for the leave. Leaves requested after the semester/term has begun will be considered for approval only in a documented extreme circumstance. An approved LOA may be granted for up to 180 days within a 12-month period. For more details, including the Leave of Absence Request Form, visit the Office of the University Registrar’s website at nova.edu/registrar /policies/leave-of-absence-policy.html. 2. Administrative Break in Enrollment An administrative break in enrollment may be voluntary or may be imposed by the dean. A student requesting a voluntary administrative break in enrollment must submit this request, in writing, by letter (email is not permitted) to the assistant dean for Student Affairs and Admissions. Additionally, a student must meet with a financial aid counselor to establish the parameters of the student’s financial aid. The financial aid of a student on an administrative break in enrollment will be adjusted accordingly, which may require a return of previously disbursed money. A student will not be able to obtain financial aid during an administrative break in enrollment regardless of the reason for the administrative break in enrollment. Any excused absence that extends beyond two weeks may result in withdrawal from a course.