College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 102 An instructor may, at the instructor’s sole discretion, demand that course requirements be completed on a shorter time scale than one term. A grade of I is appropriate only when a valid excuse for failing to complete the work—such as personal illness severe enough to seek medical help, severe illness or death within the third degree of kin, or other legitimate but unforeseen circumstances—has been validated. The mere failure to complete course requirements on time is more appropriately awarded a grade of F. If a student fails to fulfill course requirements without a legitimate excuse, and it is inappropriate to award the grade of incomplete, a grade of F should be awarded. A student receiving an incomplete in any clinic course must complete the course requirements within the term or quarter immediately following receipt of the incomplete grade or the grade will become an F, unless the student has the explicit written permission of the associate dean for Academic Affairs. Penalty for Late Registration NSU’s CO uses an online registration method. Information regarding the registration procedure and opening and closing dates for registration will be disseminated to all students via email messages. Academic Standing The categories for student academic classification are listed below with their associated guidelines. Good Standing • pass all courses • cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher and term GPA of 2.00 or higher Academic Warning • cumulative GPA below 2.75 • a grade of pass marginally (PM) in any clinic or lab course Academic Probation • cumulative and/or term GPA below 2.00 • failure of any clinic in any grading period • repeating an academic term or terms • continued enrollment with pending reexaminations Academic Dismissal • failure of three courses in one grading term • failure of clinic in any two grading periods whether or not they are consecutive • failure of a repeated course or a repeated clinic • failure of a reexamination