Optometry Student Handbook 2024-2025

College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 99 Academic Affairs Baccalaureate Degree All students entering the program without a baccalaureate degree will earn a Bachelor of Science in Vision Science upon successful completion of the first two years of coursework. A student must obtain a bachelor’s degree before the Doctor of Optometry degree can be awarded. After successful completion of the first two years of the traditional professional degree program, students who entered the program without a bachelor’s degree will have a Bachelor of Science degree in Vision Science conferred. Each student must make a degree application through Self-Service Banner, no later than April 1 of their second year in the program. Students in the extended optometry degree program may apply for Bachelor of Science degrees after completion of their third year. The degree will be conferred at the end of May, after it is determined that the academic criteria have been met. There are no commencement exercises for this degree. Students who entered the optometry degree program with a bachelor’s degree have the option of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree from NSU as well. They must also apply by April 1 of their second year (third year in the extended program). Honors Program NSU’s CO has initiated an honors program that encourages students to transcend the boundaries of the conventional curriculum. These students are expected to complete additional achievements in the areas of research, scholarship, and community service. Honors students are enrolled in an Honors Seminar course during their third year, which exposes students to evidence-based clinical concepts in a small group and journal club-style format. Curriculum The curriculum is divided into three categories: basic science, optometric sciences, and clinic. The basic science and optometric science courses encompass the didactic portion of the academic program. The clinic courses involve patient care activities and occur primarily in the second, third, and fourth academic years. Examination Policies and Procedures Students are expected to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the examination. Students who arrive late at an examination location will not be permitted to take the examination if any other student has turned in the examination and left the location. See Examination Guidelines found on SharkLink, Optometry tab, for more detailed information.