College of Optometry (CO) 2024–2025 95 Goal 1 Students will graduate from the program with the necessary skills and knowledge to practice optometry. Goal 2 Students and faculty members will participate in scholarly activities. Goal 3 Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU’s) CO will assist optometrists in their ongoing pursuit to improve their skills and knowledge base. Goal 4 NSU’s CO will contribute through education and service to the greater communities in which our faculty members, students, and graduates participate. Accreditation The College of Optometry is accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education of the American Optometric Association (243 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, 631417881; telephone number: 800-365-2219) and is a member of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry. Reservation of Power The College of Optometry Student Handbook is not intended to be a contract or part of a contractual agreement between Nova Southeastern University and the student. The College of Optometry Student Handbook is available on SharkLink. A student logs on to SharkLink at using the student’s SharkLink I.D. and password. Click on My Sites in the top left corner and select College of Optometry. On the left navigation, select Students and then select the College of Optometry Student Handbook in the General Information section. Changes in the content of the College of Optometry Student Handbook may be made at any time, by the university, division, or college administration. Adequate notice of anticipated changes will be given to the student, whenever possible. This College of Optometry Student Handbook supersedes all previous College of Optometry handbooks, documents, and directives where they may be in conflict. The College of Optometry Student Handbook is the governing document for all program-related information. Please become familiar with the policies and procedures listed within. Failure to read this handbook does not excuse students from the rules, policies, and procedures contained in it. Students are expected to be familiar and comply with all the policies and procedures contained within the College of Optometry Student Handbook, including any revisions or modifications. Nova Southeastern University reserves the right to amend, modify, add to, or delete its rules, policies, and procedures without notice, affecting its institutional relationship with students as deemed necessary by the administration. Any such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion shall not be considered a violation of the relationship between the university and the student. Such right includes modification to academic requirements, curriculum, tuition, and/or fees when in judgment of the administration such changes are required in the exercise of its educational responsibility.