OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 9 Student News U pon starting optometry school at NSU, I looked forward to meeting new people—my future colleagues, the well- renowned faculty members, the lively staff members and ad- ministration, and even the aspiring professionals of my neighboring health care fields. I was anxious to become part of the NSU family as soon as possible. To my surprise, after just a week of orientation, I began to feel a sense of cohe- siveness with my classmates. After just one week of regularly scheduled lectures, I felt a transition from just an ordinary student to a soon-to-be op- tometrist. Even before taking our first exam, I felt my class- mates and I were regarded at the same level as our faculty members and administrators. We were, and still are, regarded as professionals and future colleagues. Nevertheless, it was not until our White Coat Ceremony on August 28, 2014, that I felt an official welcome and embrace by NSU and the Col- lege of Optometry. The White Coat Ceremony was my first time attending such an event, and it was nothing at all how I imagined it. I could not have feigned beforehand how serious and professional the occasion was going to be. I definitely could not have prepared for how accomplished this one hour would make me feel. Aside from recognizing us for our acceptance into the program, the faculty and staff members acknowledged the commitment and diligence we had already revealed during our first month of classes. It was definitely a moment of self-approval and pride while at the same time a humbling experience. It was humbling because it reminded us that we are only just kicking off the next four years of our academic journey. Watching my classmates receive their white coats was prob- ably the best part of it all. Although I certainly felt great sliding into my own coat for the first time, I could not see my own ex- pression the way I could see theirs. It was definitely a moment to remember. I am forever thankful to Nova Southeastern Uni- versity, particularly the Health Professions Division, for putting on such a momentous celebration for my class. I am also very grateful for being awarded the Alumni Chap- ter Scholarship. For me, this was just another confirmation that I chose the right institution to spend the next very impor- tant years of my life. Of course, this is not because of the award itself but because of the fact that NSU celebrates hard work and dedication. This makes me proud to be a Shark and excited to work with my fellow classmates toward becoming the best optometrists we can possibly be. F IRST -Y EAR P ERSPECTIVE C LASS OF 2018 By Samantha E. Fernandez (Class of 2018) White Coat Ceremony Eye Site