OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 8 Student News Two NSUCO students recently won a national competition for devel- oping an idea for an optometry practice of the future, bringing the crown back to NSU for the second straight year. jeremy Chartash (class of 2016) and jay harrelson (class of 2016) won Walmart’s Project Fore- sight contest, which awarded them a $15,000 scholarship and traveling trophy for designing an optometric practice that would cater to patients with autism. The winners were announced at the American Optometric Association’s annual meeting in Philadelphia. “We recognized the unique needs of each individual on the spectrum, so we created an office that was dynamic and could change based on the needs of the patients so they do not have to,” Chartash explained. “There were so many good teams at the competition with so many good ideas. Both Jay and I are overwhelmed by the compliments the judges gave us and the support we received from the nearly 40 students from NSU who made it a very special event for us. We both learned a lot from this opportunity, and we hope we inspire others to continue to participate in future years.” Alexis Broussard (class of 2017), president of the National Optometric Student Association (NOSA) chapter at NSUCO, is the first recipient of the VSP Marvin R. Poston Leadership Award. The award is named for Marvin Poston, O.D., who, along with several of his fellow optometrists, formed California Vision Services, now known as VSP Vision Care. “I am extremely grateful and thankful for being selected as the first recipient of the VSP Marvin R. Poston Leadership Award,” Broussard said. “Receipt of this award has strengthened my confidence and will allow me to take on other leadership roles in the future without fear or hesitation.” The award recipient is determined by a committee of VSP employees at the NOSA Leadership Academy that evaluates the leadership char- acteristics of NOSA chapter officers. Along with the recognition, the re- cipient also receives a one-time financial award of $2,500. Larezia Williams (class of 2018) was awarded the College of Op- tometrists in Vision Development Annual Meeting Travel Grant, which is offered to encourage and support optometry student and resident participation at the meeting. ryan Beck (class of 2015) was selected as the 2014 recipient of the Don E. Williamson, O.D., Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship, which is presented by the Southwest Florida Optometric Association, was es- tablished to honor the memory of Dr. Williamson, who passed away in 2011. Dr. Williamson was the past president of the Florida Optometric Association (FOA) and is an FOA Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Aaron thomas (class of 2017) wrote an article for the fall 2014 issue of Foresight magazine titled “Being Connected: Students and States.” Williams Beck (right) with Dr. Loshin. BrOuSSArD WinS inAugurAL VSP POStOn LeADerShiP AWArD ChArtASh AnD hArreLSOn Win PrOjeCt FOreSight Eye Site