OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 27 alumni news I t is my pleasure to again address you in this issue of The Visionary . On September 14, 2014, NSU’s College of Optometry commemo- rated its silver anniversary in grand fashion at the Alvin Sherman Li- brary. Nearly 300 alumni, administrators, faculty and staff members, and friends of the school joined together to celebrate 25 years of edu- cation, scholarship, and service. A red carpet welcomed us to the event, where photographs were taken. Guests were then greeted by a winged performer and aerial drummers who played dizzyingly high overhead. As a New Yorker, I’m not easily impressed, but I have to admit this was special. A jazz fusion band kept the attendees dancing on the first floor, while a harpist on the second-floor gallery entertained those people who wanted a more relaxed experience. I’m told the food was great. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any because I was so busy talking with former students. It was a delight to hear about the success of their practices, their marriages, and the birth of their children. In fact, I’m still recovering from the bear hug Bobby Sarivannara, O.D. (class of 2009) gave me. In the dean’s address to the assembled, Dr. David Loshin, reminded us about how far we’ve come from our humble beginnings as South- eastern University College of Optometry. As any graduate through the class of 1998 can tell you, the facilities in North Miami Beach weren’t ideal. That’s why those of us who were educated there truly appreciate our home in Davie. However, NSUCO has always been more about its people than its facilities. Dr. Loshin acknowledged this by recognizing the instructors who’ve been around since the old days such as Drs. Stacey Coulter, Pamela Oliver, Joseph Sowka, and Dave Woods. Dr. Annette Bade and I shared a distant smile knowing that we were here before even they were—her as a member of the charter graduating class of 1993, and me a year later. NSUCO has grown more in its first 25 years than anyone dared hope for in the beginning. Our classrooms and laboratory facilities are a match for any other school and, unlike other institutions that have only one clinical site, our students’ patient experiences are enhanced be- cause they rotate through four sites that serve distinctly different pop- ulations—Davie, North Miami Beach, Broward Boulevard, and Kids In Distress in Wilton Manors. We expect that in our next 25 years, we’ll continue to exceed the expectations of our prospective students as well as the communities we serve. As always, I encourage all alumni to support our future colleagues with scholarship gifts. Please remember that you can get the latest news about the school’s upcoming events by visiting our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nsuoptometryalumnichapter . ALUMNI CHAPTER PRESIDENT MESSAGE By Arnie Patrick, O.D., Assistant Professor President, NSUCO Alumni Chapter The College of Optometry Alumni Chapter recently awarded its fourth re- cipient of the Alumni Chapter Scholarship to first-year student Samantha Fernandez. The scholarship was established to support an incoming optom- etry student who has demonstrated academic success, a history of outstand- ing leadership experiences, and community service. It is a one-time award of $1,000 that can be applied toward the student’s optometric education-re- lated costs. Fernandez, who is from Miami, attended the University of Miami and re- ceived a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology last May. In addition to her out- standing academic performance, she has been involved with various leadership and community service projects. She was a founder of the Uni- versity of Miami Pre-Optometry Club, a hospital volunteer for the South Miami Hospital in the mother-baby unit, a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta, vice president of fund-raising for the Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity, and a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Additionally, she earned second-place honors in the Phi Beta Lambda National Competition, was the recipient of the Dean’s List Academic Achievement Award, and earned the President’s Volunteer Service Award, which is presented each year to those who demonstrate commitment to the community through numerous hours of volunteer service. The NSUCO Alumni Chapter would like to thank all our alumni for their past support and encourage future giving. Together, we can take the College of Optometry to new levels of excellence, so please consider giving to the Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fund at www.nova.edu/giving . SAMANTHA FERNANDEZ RECEIVES ALUMNI CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP