OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 26 Research Review Faculty Research and Scholarship Continued... AAO 2014 – DENVER, COLORADO COnFerenCe PAPer Leasher j. Global Vision Impairment and Blindness Due to Uncorrected Refractive Error: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis. LeCture PreSentAtiOnS Coulter S, jenewein e. The Imposter: Recognizing Ocular Disease in Kids. jenewein e. Pediatric Potpourri: What Every Primary Care O.D. Should Know. reed K. Ocular Nutrition SIG Symposium: Sugar – More Than Meets the Eye. reed K. Controversies in Nutrition: Sorting Through the Literature. reed K. Controversies of Recommending Omega 3 Fatty Acids. reed K. AMD From A to Z. Shechtman D. Women: Are We at Risk for Vision Morbidity? Sowka j, Frauens B. Florida Jurisprudence. Sowka j, Frauens B. Prevention of Medical Errors. tea Y. Prescribing for the Hyperopic Child. tea Y. Introduction to Management of Accommodative and Vergence Disorders with Vision Therapy. POSter PreSentAtiOnS Bi h, Zhang B. The Effect of Transient Glare on Shape Discrimination. Besada e, Frauens B, Shechtman D, Makhlouf r, rodman j. Correlation of APD and SDOCT in Optic Neuropathy. Frauens B, Besada e. Unilateral Transient High Myopia and Hypotony Following Mild Blunt Trauma. Leasher j. (ASCO Cultural Competency Curriculum Guidelines Subcommittee). Evaluation of ASCO’s Cultural Competency Curriculum Guidelines Implementation Workshops. Makhlouf r, rodman j, jarkas M. An Optical Coherence Tomography Study of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Subretinal Fibrinous Exudation in a Pregnant Patient. nehmad L. Assessment and Management of a Patient with Horizontal and Vertical Misalignment Following Monovision LASIK. nehmad L, Crandall M, Bi h, Woods AD. A Case of Retinal Pigmentary Changes Associated with Retained Bullet Fragments. Patterson n, Althoff j, Loshin D. A Comparison of Portable Video Magnifiers. rodman j, Makhlouf r. Bilateral Simultaneous Vitreomacular Traction. Shechtman D, Coulter S. Multidisciplinary Approach in the Diagnosis and Management of Stargardt Disease. Vollmer L, Makhlouf r. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in a Child. Wagner h. Contact Lens Assessment in Youth (CLAY): Multi-Center Testing of a Risk Assessment Survey for Soft Contact Lens Wearers with Adverse Events. Wagner h. Contact Lens Assessment in Youth (CLAY): Case- Control Pilot Study of Patients with Symptomatic Corneal Inflammatory Events. Please note that only NSUCO faculty members are listed above in relation to lectures, journal articles, presentations, etc., due to space constraints.