OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 25 Research Review Faculty Research and Scholarship: September 1 – December 31, 2014 Compiled by Bin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor PuBLiCAtiOnS • Peer-reviewed journal Articles Bittner AK. Good Scientific Research Takes Time and Multiple Eteps: Response to a letter to the editor. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Optometry. December 2014. nehmad L. Late Onset Cystoid Macular Edema Presents Diagnostic Challenge. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Optometry. September 2014. rodman j, Shechtman D, haines, K. Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy: The Evolution of the Disease Through the Use of Newer Diagnostic Modalities. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Optometry. September 2014. Shechtman D, Besada e, Pizzimenti j. Electrooculography and Optical Coherence Tomography Reveal Late-Onset Best Disease. Optom Vis Sci . September 2014. [Epub ahead of print]. Sowka j, Vollmer L, Au M. Atypical Retinal Vaso-Occlusion with Structural and Functional Resolution. Optom Vis Sci . October 2014. [Epub ahead of print]. Zhang B. Early Monocular Defocus Disrupts the Normal Development of Receptive-Field Structure in V2 Neurons of Macaque Monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience. October 2014. • not Peer-reviewed journal Articles nehmad L. Kinder, Gentler Topical Glaucoma Drops. Advanced Ocular Care. September 2014. nehmad L. The Effect of IOP on Clinicians’ Perception of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy. Optometric Education . In press. nehmad L, reynolds S. Interprofessional Education on a Mission. Optometric Education . In press. reed K, Shechtman D. AREDS2. Primary Care Optometry News . December 2014. Demeritt M, Shechtman D, reynolds S. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH): Review and Update. Austin Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. September 2014. Shechtman D. Diabetic Retinopathy: Optometrists’ Role in Facilitating Detection, Disease Management, and Patient Awareness. Primary Care Optometry News. September 2014. Shechtman D. Carotenoids for Ocular Heath 2014. Review of Optometry. September 2014. LeCture PreSentAtiOnS Sowka j. Topics: Glaucoma, Pharmacology, Neuro-Ophthalmic Disease, Anterior Segment Disease in Kilgore, Texas, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Las Vegas, Nevada, Orlando, Florida, White Plains, New York City, New York, Baltimore, Maryland, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Sowka j, Frauens B, nehmad L. Glaucoma Update: Glaucoma Clinical Controversies. NSUCO. Sowka j, Frauens B, nehmad L. Glaucoma Update: Clinical Discussions in Glaucoma. NSUCO. Sowka j, Frauens B. Clinical Discussions in Glaucoma. Hillsboro Society Optometry Meeting. Tampa, Florida. Sowka j, Frauens B. Prevention of Medical Errors. Hillsboro Society Optometry Meeting. Tampa, Florida. Bittner AK. New Measures of Visual Function and Vascular Physiology in a Clinical Trial of Electrical Stimulation Therapies for Retinitis Pigmentosa. Emory Eye Center and Atlanta Veterans Affairs. October 2014. Zhang B. The Neural Basis of Amblyopia. Tianjin Medical University Department of Ophthalmology. December 2014. inViteD reSeArCh PreSentAtiOnS Bi h. Ocular Functional and Structural Evaluation in Hypothyroidism – $5,000. Ziming L. Ocular Sensory Dominance and Stereopsis – $5,000. Zuopao Z. Crowding in Simulated Monovision – $5,000. hPD grAntS Bittner AK. Establishing a Normative Dataset for Retinal Blood Flow Measures in the Macular Capillaries and A Pilot Study of an Interventional Program to Reduce Visual Field Test Anxiety and Variability in Glaucoma and Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients. Zhang B, Bi h. Quantification of the Relationship Among Ocular Dominance, Stereopsis, and Accommodative Response. neWLY initiAteD reSeArCh PrOjeCtS Continued on the next page...