OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 23 Faculty 411 Spotlight on NEW FACULTY MEMBERS MARIEM ABDOU, O.D. Dr. Abdou received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware in 2009 and her optometry degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University in 2013. Con- secutively following graduation, she completed a residency at The Eye Institute of the Pennsyl- vania College of Optometry at Salus University. She grew up in Binghamton, New York, and became interested in a career in optometry due to her own experience with glasses. “I began wearing glasses as a high myope by the age of seven,” she explained. “It was incredible to me to see what a difference the world looked like through a pair of spectacles. The idea was mag- ical and sparked an interest in this career field.” Currently, Dr. Abdou is an NSUCO instructor who specializes in primary care with an empha- sis in ocular disease. After completing her resi- dency, she became very interested in pursuing a career in academia. As far as what attracted her to NSUCO, Dr. Abdou said it was due to the “world-renowned faculty, state-of-the-art equip- ment, and upgraded facilities that would provide me the opportunity to grow and develop to my full career potential.” KELLIE BASSION, O.D. Dr. Bassion earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Florida in 2009 and her optometry degree from NSU’s College of Op- tometry in 2013. Sequentially following gradua- tion, she completed a residency at NSUCO. She grew up in Central Florida and became interested in an optometric career during her high school years. Interestingly, she grew up on a farm, and when she was made aware that chickens roost at night because they can’t see in the dark, curiosity struck and she had to know more. “I was hooked,” she proclaimed. Dr. Bassion serves as an NSUCO instructor and specializes in low vision and geriatrics. Hav- ing spent the last five years at NSUCO, it was a fairly easy decision for Dr. Bassion when she had to choose what team she would join after com- pleting her residency. “Everyone at NSUCO is so kind and knowledgeable, which makes it easy to want to work here,” she stated. According to Dr. Bassion, her biggest reward is helping patients with low vision to achieve their goals. CHRISTIAN HERNANDEZ, O.D. Dr. Hernandez, who grew up in Hialeah, Florida, received his undergraduate degree in Bi- ological Sciences from Florida International Uni- versity in 2008 and his Doctor of Optometry degree from NSUCO in 2013. He then com- pleted his optometric residency training at NSUCO in 2014. He became interested in pursuing a career in optometry during his first year at Florida Interna- tional University. As part of a class assignment, he was required to look up any career other than what he was pursuing at the time. While search- ing for medical/health care jobs on the Depart- ment of Labor’s Web site, he came across the description of an optometrist, which caught his interest. “Essentially, after realizing my own op- tometrist had a cool job that paid well and helped people, and asking her a bunch of questions, I never looked back” he explained. Dr. Hernandez, who serves as an NSUCO in- structor, specializes in primary care with an em- phasis in cornea and contact lens. Having attended optometry school at NSUCO, he knew it was a great program with a stellar team of ed- ucators. “It simply felt right,” said Dr. Hernandez, who feels fortunate to be a part of such an elite team, “I look up to all of these doctors for the ed- ucation and training they have given me, and I’m quite proud to say I can stand among them to pass it on to our current optometry students.” MAY JARKAS, O.D. Dr. Jarkas, who was born in Lebanon and moved to Montreal, Canada, at the age of eight, became interested in pursuing a career in optometry when she was in college. In 2000, she received her undergraduate degree in Nature Science at Ahuntsic College in Montreal and earned her doctorate in optometry at the University of Mon- treal in 2006. Dr. Jarkas completed her residency training at NSUCO in 2014 and currently holds the rank of assistant professor. Her specialty is primary care with emphasis in ocular disease. Dr. Jarkas acknowledges that what attracted her to NSUCO is its reputation, working in a clinic where she has access to advanced diag- nostic equipment, exposure to a large, varied patient base, and working alongside skilled, leading professionals in the optometric field. “Interacting with these professionals is very in- spiring and makes my career more fulfilling,” Dr. Jarkas said. Additionally, she enjoys being in a position that promotes lifelong commitment to learning and values education through publica- tions and lectures. In terms of career highlights, Dr. Jarkas is ex- tremely proud of her participation in humanitar- ian medical outreach trips to different parts of the world that have allowed her to provide much-needed eye care to underserved commu- nities such as Peru, India, and Morocco. Addi- tionally, she feels proud of having pursued a residency after practicing for several years. She references this as her second career highlight. Her greatest career reward, however, is making a difference by providing exceptional eye care to patients and contributing to the optometry field by mentoring students. By Michelle Merida, Manager of Marketing Services ABDOU BASSION HERNANDEZ JARKAS