OPT Visionary - Winter/Spring 2015

PAGE 22 Faculty 411 DR. DAVID LOSHIN HONORED as Ed Walker Optometrist of the Decade David S. Loshin, O.D., Ph.D., FAAO, Diplomate, NSUCO dean, was honored as the Ed Walker Optometrist of the Decade at the Florida Optometric Association (FOA) Annual Convention, which was held July 24-27 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club in Boca Raton. Dr. Loshin currently serves on the FOA Board of Trustees as the NSU board liaison. In his role as NSUCO dean, Dr. Loshin has been instru- mental in developing creative programs, including the Op- tometry Extended Program, the Preliminary Optometry Program, and a completely online Master of Science in Clin- ical Vision Research. Under his leadership, The Eye Care In- stitute—the clinical arm of the professional program—has grown with the most advanced instrumentation and utilization of electronic medical records. DR. BARRY FRAUENS Installed as FOA President Barry Frauens, O.D., FAAO, Diplomate, associate profes- sor and chair of the Department of Clinics, was installed as president of the Florida Optometric Association (FOA) at its annual convention held July 24-27. “Before us lies a magnif- icent opportunity to provide greater access to eye care for our patients throughout the state,” Dr. Frauens said. The mission of the Florida Optometric Association (FOA) is to advance and promote the quality, availability, accessi- bility of primary eye care and related health care of Florida’s citizens; to represent the profession of optometry; to enhance and promote the independent and ethical decision-making of its members; and to assist and enable optometric physicians to practice their profession so as to ensure the highest stan- dards of patient care. As president, Dr. Frauens is the official representative of the association in its contact with governmental, civic, busi- ness, and other professional organizations and represents the Florida Optometric Association at the Annual Congress of the American Optometric Association and at the SECO (South Eastern Congress of Optometry) International conference. He presides at all annual and special meetings of the association, and at all meetings of the FOA Board of Trustees and the Re- gional Board of Directors. Additionally, he appoints all com- mittees and serves as a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and assigns members of the Board of Trustees as liaison officers to the affiliated local societies. LOSHIN FRAUENS Michael Bacigalupi, O.D., M.S., FAAO , associate dean of academic affairs, wrote an article entitled “Keep the Passion for Practicing” that was featured in the Special Edition 2014 issue of Optometric Management magazine. Barry Frauens, O.D., FAAO, Diplomate , associate professor and chair of the Department of Clinics, was quoted in an article entitled “A Look Toward Healthy Eyes” that was published in the Tallahasee Democrat . janet L. Leasher, O.D., M.P.h., FAAO , associate professor, had her article entitled “4 Steps to Get Involved in Your Local Community” published in the November/December issue of AOA Focus . She also received the 2014 Outstanding Scientific Paper Award in November from the American Public Health Association Vision Care Section and represented NSUCO at the ASCO-ALDOO Meeting of Deans and Directors of Schools of Optometry from both North and South America and the Caribbean at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. joseph Pizzimenti, O.D., FAAO , associate professor, wrote an article entitled “Diabetic Eye Dis- ease” for the 11 th Annual Guide to Retinal Disease issue of Review of Optometry magazine. Kimberly K. reed, O.D., FAAO , associate professor, wrote an entitled article “Why I Care About Nutrition” that was featured in the Special Edition 2014 issue of Optometric Management magazine. Sherrol A. reynolds, O.D., FAAO , associate professor, presented a lecture with Susan Gromacki, O.D., regarding the “Role of Female Optometrists on Today’s Practice” at the National Optometric Association Convention in July. Bin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. , associate professor, was awarded the 2013-14 NSUCO Professor of the Year Award in recognition of his significant contributions to research and scholarship and exceptional instruction. In July 2014, an informative video segment was filmed highlighting The Eye Care Institute at NSU for WPBT’s (PBS) VPK KidVision. This series, hosted by Miss Penny, a former NSU Mailman Segal Center for Human Development instructor, informs children around the age of four about various life experiences, such as visiting an eye doctor. The series is provided to VPK teachers throughout Florida and is also available online. This segment included Yin tea, O.D., FAAO , chief of pediatric optometry, and Alicia Andrade Groce, O.D., as well as Richard Perez, patient access coordinator, and Aleem Ali, optician. Dr. Leasher (second row, far left) with representatives from the United States, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago. FRAUENS BACIGALUPI PIZZIMENTI ZHANG REED REYNOLDS TEA