OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 34 Meghann hamidiani, O.D. vOLK OcULAr DiSeASe exceLLeNce AwArD Presented to a student for excellence in ocular disease. Lauren hansen, O.D. heiNe AwArD OF exceLLeNce iN OPTicS Presented to the graduating student who demonstrated excellence in optics. Sun hee Kim, O.D. x-ceL cONTAcT LeNS AwArD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in fitting RGP con- tact lenses. Joseph Leppek, O.D. BrAverMAN eye ceNTer exTerN OF The yeAr In recognition of a superior work ethic, clinical acumen, and excellence in patient care. Jessica Luu, O.D. GP cLiNicAL exceLLeNce AwArD Presented to the graduating student who has demonstrated eagerness to learn more about rigid gas permeable lens design, materials, and fit- ting techniques. Peter Pham, O.D. cONTAcT LeNS PrAcTice MANAGAMeNT AwArD Presented to a graduating student who demonstrated excellence in contact lens practice management as the house officer. Thuy Phung, O.D. LOMBArT iNSTrUMeNTS OPTOMeTric AwArD Presented to the individual with excellence in the optometric theory and methods courses. Megan Provence-Perry, O.D. PiONeer iNSTrUMeNTS PriMAry cAre AwArD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in primary care performance. ivana remigio, O.D. MODULe DirecTOr’S AwArD Presented to that individual who has demonstrated clinical excellence in the area of primary care, including disease management and diag- nosis, visual and refractive care, and patient interaction. Beth Seidman, O.D. MArchON PrAcTice MANAGeMeNT AwArD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in clinical optometric practice management. hamidiani hansen Kim Pham Leppek Luu Phung Provence-Perry remigio Seidman Continued from previous page... Class of 2014 Senior Awards