OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 33 John Kauderman, O.D. Gabriela Olivares, O.D. BeAver-viSiTec iNTerNATiONAL Dry-eye AwArD Presented to two graduating students who have demonstrated strong interest and clinical skills in the area of dry-eye management. Farahnaz Abdoly, O.D. DAN AND hOFFMAN exTerN OF The yeAr Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding work ethic and overall excellence in patient care. Alicia Andrade, O.D. cOLLeGe OF OPTOMeTriSTS iN viSiON DeveLOPMeNT (cOvD) AwArD OF exceLLeNce Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated strong inter- est and clinical skills in the area of vision therapy. Sarah Artrip, O.D. cOOPer viSiON’S exceLLeNce iN cONTAcT LeNSeS AwArD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in corneal and contact lens clinical care. Bradley Austin, O.D. LOw viSiON AwArD OF exceLLeNce Presented to a graduating student who has excelled in the low-vision areas of patient rapport, clinical decision making, patient management, and patient education. Ayesha Bukhari, O.D. ArÁN eye ASSOciATeS exceLLeNce iN OcULAr DiSeASe AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated exceptional understanding and care of patients with ocular disease. Natalia carrillo, O.D. eSSiLOr cOrNeAL reFLecTiON PUPiLOMeTer AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in dispensing ophthalmic materials. Mark Deweese, O.D. LUxOTTicA AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in clinical pediatric care and vision therapy. hong-hanh Thi Dinh, O.D. PeDiATric AND BiNOcULAr viSiON cLiNicAL exceLLeNce AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinical skills and patient care in the NSUCO Pediatrics and Binocular Vision Service. Blake Dornstauder, O.D. ALcON SchOLArShiP AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has written the best case report that incorporates the use of an Alcon product. Continued on next page... Kauderman Olivares Abdoly Austin Andrade Artrip Bukhari carrillo Deweese Dinh Dornstauder