OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 32 Sara Berke-Silva, O.D. The LeNNy cherDAcK STUDeNT LeGiSLATive AwArD Presented to the student who exhibits professional behavior consistent with the high ideals and moral ethics of organized optometry. This student has demonstrated outstanding ded- ication to the profession, the Florida Optometric Association, and the legislative process, including representing optometry at the Florida Capital. wiLLiAM FeiNBLOOM LOw viSiON AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinical application of low-vision treatment. MiLrOy OPTicAL SchOLArShiP AwArD Presented to a graduating student for excellence in oph- thalmic optics materials knowledge and dispensing. cory collier, O.D. BeTA SiGMA KAPPA SiLver MeDAL Presented to the graduating chapter member who has at- tained the highest cumulative grade-point average. DeAN’S AwArD Presented for academic excellence to the student graduating with the highest scholastic achievement. The Dr. LeSTer e. JANOFF SchOLAr AwArD Presented to a fourth-year year optometry student for out- standing performance in a scholarly activity such as teaching, research, or optometric journalism. In memory of Dr. Lester E. Janoff—a renowned educator, researcher, and pioneer in the area of cornea and contact lenses; a gentleman and a scholar who exemplified lifelong learning. Kara Deibel, O.D. OeP cLiNicAL cUrricULUM AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated strong interest and clinical skills in the areas of pediatrics, binocular vision, and vision therapy. hUMANA SPeciALTy BeNeFiTS, v.c.P. PriMAry cAre cLiNicAL AchieveMeNT AwArD Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in primary care. heather Mccarthy, O.D. chANceLLOr’S AwArD Presented to the student who best exemplifies the charac- teristics of a fine optometric physician—a combination of scholarship, leadership, integrity, humanity, and loyalty to the profession. viSTAKON AwArD OF exceLLeNce Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in contact lens care. Danielle waller, O.D. eScheNBAch AwArD OF exceLLeNce iN LOw viSiON Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinical application of low-vision treatment. SOUTherN cOUNciL OF OPTOMeTry AwArD FOr cLiNicAL exceLLeNce Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding clinical performance. CLASS OF 2014 Receives Awards of Distinction Berke-Silva collier Deibel Mccarthy waller