OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 30 GRADUATION 2014 By Michelle Merida, Co-Editor, The Visionary Class of 2014... Transitioning from Student to Alumni August 2010 marked the begin- ning of the class of 2014’s attempt to undertake the rigorous NSUCO curriculum. Balancing the extensive workload of demanding assign- ments, clinical experiences, club in- volvement, volunteer missions, stimulating board examinations, and personal life can prove to be quite a troublesome task. Throughout the class of 2014’s four years as optometry students, they have surpassed all expecta- tions and taught us that all those tasks can prosperously be con- quered—and then some. Certainly, there were moments throughout their student career where they felt exhausted, but this did not ever come between them and reaching their set objective. As students, the intelligence and spirit of the class of 2014 proudly represented NSUCO with great diligence and honor. This remarkable class granted NSUCO local and international recognition, so with that said, we would like to give the graduating students dis- tinctive accolades for their commit- ment to their optometric education. On May 18, the graduating stu- dents marked the beginning of their journey as optometric pro- fessionals. Although this day did not seem feasible or near in 2010, it finally arrived. Today, these indi- viduals are NSUCO alumni and health care providers. We are confident they will continue to surpass expectations in all the opportunities they choose to em- bark upon. NSUCO class of 2014, you have set the standards evidently high for the next classes to come, and we are certain you will con- tinue to excel in your careers as optometric professionals.