OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 23 AUDiOLOGy STUDeNTS heLP chiLDreN heAr FOr The FirST TiMe Doctor of Audiology students from NSU’s College of Health Care Sciences’ Department of Audiology partnered with Phonak to donate hearing aids and other supplies valued at more than $50,000 to Los Pipitos—a Nicaraguan nonprofit fa- cility for 21 children with disabilities. As part of NSU’s Hearing Aids for Nicaraguan Students service program, six audiology students and a faculty ad- viser recently traveled to the Central American country to provide audiograms and other necessary tests and fit the children for their new hearing aids. They also conducted information sessions on how to use and care for the devices for the children and their families. One child spoke for the first time after receiving his hearing aids. He had previ- ously only mouthed words without mak- ing a sound. NSU execUTive vice PreSiDeNT receiveS GLASS ceiLiNG AwArD Jacqueline A. Travisano, M.B.A., CPA, NSU’s executive vice president and chief operating officer, has been named a 2014 recipient of the Glass Ceiling Award presented by the Florida Diversity Council. Travisano is one of 13 women who were recognized during the Fourth An- nual Florida Women’s Conference held at NSU’s main campus on March 7. The National Diversity Council seeks to rec- ognize and honor women who not only achieved personal success but have made it possible for others to more eas- ily follow in their footsteps. Recipients of the Glass Ceiling Award were honored for meeting cer- tain criteria, including, but not limited to: demonstrated leadership excel- lence; maintained a steady increase in responsibility throughout their career; established a record of accomplish- ments in areas of expertise; provided a positive influence in the workplace; and demonstrated integrity and high ethical standards. NSU cOLLeGe OF DeNTAL MeDiciNe ceLeBrATeS GiveS KiDS A SMiLe DAy Approximately 325 children were given a reason to smile thanks to volunteer NSU dental students and faculty members. Nearly 300 volunteers from the Col- lege of Dental Medicine provided limited pro bono dental services valued at more than $100,000 to South Florida children ages 2 to 18 on March 8 as part of Give Kids a Smile Day. In addition, the more than 1,000 at- tendees, including the children and their family members, enjoyed a fun carnival atmosphere with Miami Dolphins’ player Marcus Thigpen and cheerleaders, face painters, a clown, magicians, music, and Timmy the Tooth . NSU Doctor of Audiology students Melissa Cordova and Lola Zaka testing 10-year-old Jorge Mercado’s hearing prior to programming his hearing aids. Jacqueline Travisano Miami Dolphins’ player Marcus Thigpen signs autographs for children at the college of Dental Medicine’s Give Kids a Smile Day.