OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 12 brought in over $10,000 and was recognized as UCF’s Philanthropy Event of the Year. In addition to providing Faith with a new ear, the monies raised were able to buy her a prosthetic nose. Another project they were regularly involved in was at Camp Boggy Creek in Eustis, Florida—a facility that offers year-round camping sessions for seri- ously and chronically ill children. Drs. Collier and Deibel regularly volunteered their weekends to spend time with the children and their families. Similarly, they volunteered with Give Kids the World Village—a storybook resort providing free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses. OPTOMETRY CAREERS COME INTO FOCUS These experiences, coupled with a growing knowledge of the medical sci- ences, led Dr. Collier to attend NSUCO’s Pre-Optometry Day at the FOA Annual Convention. This, in turn, cemented his decision to pursue optometry. “I felt optometry was a profession that would allow me time to get to know my patients well,” he explained. “I hope to build long-term relationships with my patients and their families throughout my professional career.” While Dr. Deibel had initially considered a career in veterinary medicine after shadowing David Fisher, O.D., for just one day, she instinctively knew optom- etry was the career path for her. She continued to shadow Dr. Fisher while vol- untarily helping with pre-testing at his practice and working as an intern during the summer months. “In addition to personal interaction with the patient, I was fascinated by the fact that the eye gives clues to systemic disease, allowing a possible holistic medical relationship with each patient.” Because they are true fans of the Sunshine State, applying to NSUCO was a natural choice, but by no means the only reason. “The patient diversity made NSUCO a very attractive option, as well as the wide range of clinical experi- ences offered by the program,” Dr. Collier said. According to Dr. Deibel, “Having been a part of UCF’s interdisciplinary premed society, I was attracted to the fact that the College of Optometry was one of the seven multidisciplinary col- leges based at NSU’s Health Professions Division.” Drs. Collier and Deibel took their academic studies very seriously, which is evidenced by the fact that these two high achievers graduated as NSUCO honor students. Dr. Deibel served as Beta Sigma Kappa’s (BSK) secretary, while Dr. Collier acted as BSK’s mock pre-proficiencies coordinator, which he admitted was “a logistical challenge.” As graduating seniors, they placed first and third in their class, with Dr. Collier achieving the highest score in the NBEO Part 1 and passing with honors in all clinical rotations. During the college’s Senior Luncheon in May, Dr. Deibel was awarded the Humana Specialty Benefits, V.C.P. Primary Care Clinical Achieve- ment Award and the OEP Clinical Curriculum Award, while Dr. Collier was named valedictorian and received the Dr. Lester E. Janoff Scholar Award, the Beta Sigma Kappa Silver Medal, and the Dean’s Award. “I definitely have a greater appreciation of what it takes to become a doctor and the thought process required in clinical decision making,” he stated. THE NEXT STEP With one chapter of their NSUCO experience completed, Drs. Collier and Deibel—who hope to open their own practice on Florida’s West Coast when the time is right—are about to embark on another one since they have accepted residency positions at the college beginning in July 2014. Dr. Deibel will be working in primary care with pediatrics and binocular vision, while Dr. Collier’s residency will involve working in primary care with cornea and contact lenses. As NSUCO celebrates its 25 th anniversary, the college is extremely proud of these two outstanding graduates who have shown exemplary standards dur- ing their academic and clinical studies. While neither Drs. Collier nor Dr. Deibel believe they have many obstacles in their path, they both recognize and are grateful to their respective families for encouraging their academic activities and allowing them to pursue their career of choice. As they start out on their married life together, they look forward to the next step in their chosen profession—and to serving their local community for many years to come. Student Spotlight In 2010, Drs. Collier and Deibel organized a 5K run to raise money for a young girl who needed a prosthetic ear. Drs. Collier and Deibel were honored at UCF’s Philanthropy Event of the Year for their dedication to fund-raising and volunteering.