OPT Visionary - Summer 2014

PAGE 11 ANALYZING THEIR VOCATIONAL OPTIONS A keen scholar, Dr. Deibel did well in school and possessed a natural interest in science, which she inherited from—and was encouraged to pursue—by her father. Because of her love of science and desire to help others, she knew she wanted to pursue a career in the health care field. She successfully applied to a number of colleges in Florida, but like Dr. Collier, she accepted a place at the University of Central Florida (UCF) to study molecular biology and microbiology. Drs. Collier and Deibel both knew they wanted to pursue careers in the health professions, but when they entered UCF, neither yet planned to move forward in the optometry field. To help direct their focus, they shadowed a range of health professionals to help direct their choice and served as members of UCF’s Pre-Professional Medical Society (PPMS) for all four years. In fact, Dr. Collier went on to become PPMS’s president in his senior year, while Dr. Deibel served as secretary. Of the many fund-raising and volunteer events they participated in, one was particularly significant to them. A friend of theirs (now a D.O. student at NSU) had introduced them to a young girl, Faith, who had suffered terrible burns as a baby. Having no right ear, she couldn’t wear normal corrective glasses or a wig. A surgeon had agreed to operate on Faith at no cost, but funds were needed for a prosthetic ear. To assist in the effort, Drs. Collier and Deibel organized a 5K run to raise money. In addition to enlisting the support of the UCF community, they suc- cessfully persuaded local businesses to sponsor the event, which prom night Story continued on page 12 During their time as students at NSUCO, Drs. Collier and Deibel attended the Special Olympics Opening Eyes event in Orlando, Florida. “... AT C AMP B OGGY C REEK IN E USTIS , F LORIDA — A FACILITY THAT OFFERS YEAR - ROUND CAMPING SESSIONS FOR SERIOUSLY AND CHRONICALLY ILL CHILDREN . D RS . C OLLIER AND D EIBEL REGULARLY VOLUNTEERED THEIR WEEKENDS TO SPEND TIME WITH THE CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES .”