Undergraduate Nursing | College of Nursing at NSU

Health Professions Division | 3 As a student in the Health Professions Division of Nova Southeastern University, you can anticipate a remarkable experience. You will train, study, interact, and share faculty and resources (either campus-based or online) with students from various backgrounds and disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach distinguishes the Health Professions Division as unique and will better prepare you to master your discipline with a sensitivity and understanding of the entire health care system. The Health Professions Division occupies a $70 million complex, covering 21 acres of the university campus. The division includes eight buildings totaling more than 900,000 square feet of space for classrooms, laboratories, offices, the Health Professions Division Library, an outpatient health center, and a pharmaceutical care center. The adjacent 1,800-vehicle parking garage overlooks the Miami Dolphins Training Camp. The Health Professions Division, with a student body of more than 5,800, is home to seven colleges. HEALTH PROFESSIONS DIVISION This brochure is for information purposes only and does not represent a contract. Information contained herein is subject to change at any time by administrative decision on the direction of the board of trustees. Updated information can be found on our Web site ( www.nova.edu/nursing/entrylevel ) . College of Osteopathic Medicine t %PDUPS PG 0TUFPQBUIJD .FEJDJOF % 0 t .BTUFS PG 1VCMJD )FBMUI . 1) t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO #JPNFEJDBM *OGPSNBUJDT . 4 t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO %JTBTUFS BOE &NFSHFODZ 1SFQBSFEOFTT . 4 t (SBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO )FBMUI &EVDBUJPO t (SBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO .FEJDBM *OGPSNBUJDT t (SBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 1VCMJD )FBMUI t (SBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 1VCMJD )FBMUI *OGPSNBUJDT College of Pharmacy t %PDUPS PG 1IBSNBDZ 1IBSN % t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO 1IBSNBDFVUJDBM 4DJFODFT 1I % ‰ .PMFDVMBS .FEJDJOF BOE 1IBSNBDPHFOPNJDT t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO 1IBSNBDFVUJDBM 4DJFODFT 1I % ‰ %SVH %FWFMPQNFOU 1IBSNBDFVUJDT t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO 1IBSNBDFVUJDBM 4DJFODFT 1I % ‰ 4PDJBM BOE "ENJOJTUSBUJWF 1IBSNBDZ College of Optometry t %PDUPS PG 0QUPNFUSZ 0 % t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO $MJOJDBM 7JTJPO 3FTFBSDI . 4 College of Health Care Sciences t #BDIFMPS PG )FBMUI 4DJFODF # ) 4D t #BDIFMPS PG 4DJFODF‰$BSEJPWBTDVMBS 4POPHSBQIZ # 4 ‰$74 t #BDIFMPS PG 4DJFODF‰.FEJDBM 4POPHSBQIZ # 4 ‰.4 t #BDIFMPS PG 4DJFODF JO 3FTQJSBUPSZ 5IFSBQZ # 4 3 5 t .BTUFS PG )FBMUI 4DJFODF . ) 4D t .BTUFS PG )FBMUI 4DJFODF . ) 4D %PDUPS PG )FBMUI 4DJFODF % ) 4D t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO "OFTUIFTJB . 4 " t %PDUPS PG )FBMUI 4DJFODF % ) 4D t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO )FBMUI 4DJFODF 1I % t .BTUFS PG .FEJDBM 4DJFODF JO 1IZTJDJBO "TTJTUBOU . . 4 t .BTUFS PG 0DDVQBUJPOBM 5IFSBQZ . 0 5 t &OUSZ -FWFM %PDUPS PG 0DDVQBUJPOBM 5IFSBQZ 0 5 % t %PDUPS PG 0DDVQBUJPOBM 5IFSBQZ %S 05 t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO 0DDVQBUJPOBM 5IFSBQZ 1I % t &OUSZ -FWFM %PDUPS PG 1IZTJDBM 5IFSBQZ % 1 5 t )ZCSJE &OUSZ -FWFM %PDUPS PG 1IZTJDBM 5IFSBQZ % 1 5 t 5SBOTJUJPO %PDUPS PG 1IZTJDBM 5IFSBQZ % 1 5 t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO 1IZTJDBM 5IFSBQZ 1I % t %PDUPS PG "VEJPMPHZ "V % t $FSUJGJDBUF JO $BSEJBD 4POPHSBQIZ College of Medical Sciences t .BTUFS PG #JPNFEJDBM 4DJFODFT . # 4 College of Dental Medicine t %PDUPS PG %FOUBM .FEJDJOF % . % t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO %FOUJTUSZ . 4 t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO "EWBODFE &EVDBUJPO JO (FOFSBM %FOUJTUSZ t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO &OEPEPOUJDT t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 0QFSBUJWF %FOUJTUSZ t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 0SBM BOE .BYJMMPGBDJBM 4VSHFSZ t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 0SUIPEPOUJDT BOE %FOUPGBDJBM 0SUIPQFEJDT t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 1FEJBUSJD %FOUJTUSZ t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 1FSJPEPOUJDT t 1PTUHSBEVBUF $FSUJGJDBUF JO 1SPTUIPEPOUJDT College of Nursing t &OUSZ -FWFM #BDIFMPS PG 4DJFODF JO /VSTJOH # 4 / t 3 / UP # 4 / t 3 / UP . 4 / t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO /VSTJOH . 4 / ‰"EWBODFE 1SBDUJDF 3FHJTUFSFE /VSTF '/1 t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO /VSTJOH . 4 / ‰)FBMUI 4ZTUFNT -FBEFSTIJQ t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO /VSTJOH . 4 / ‰/VSTJOH &EVDBUJPO t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO /VSTJOH . 4 / ‰/VSTJOH *OGPSNBUJDT t %PDUPS PG /VSTJOH 1SBDUJDF % / 1 t %PDUPS PG 1IJMPTPQIZ JO /VSTJOH 1I %