Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Health Professions Division 2024–2025 89 Assistance Program. Any act of inappropriate behavior or violation of student handbook policy by a student participating in the Student Assistance Program may be considered grounds for discipline and may result in dismissal from the respective college. Faculty members who observe a student with symptoms suggestive of intoxication, substance influence, and/or impairment may report the matter to the dean or authorized representative of their respective college. The Student Assistance Program is independent from the disciplinary process for each respective HPD college. Student Assistance Program procedures are as follows: 1. A ny student who has received a DUI or any type of citation due to substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.) must notify the Student Assistance Program Office at immediately. Rotation site eligibility may be affected. 2. A student referred to the Student Assistance Program Office will be referred to the NSU Center for Student Counseling and Well-Being for an evaluation/assessment and testing. 3. Student will be responsible for fees. 4. Student will complete all forms and give authorization for processing. 5. Student will be responsible for keeping appointments. 6. T he Student Assistance Program Office will be in communication with the student’s college as needed and warranted. 7. A copy of the completed assessment will be reviewed by the Student Assistance Program Office. Recommendations resulting from the assessment will be shared with the student’s college. The assessment report will be kept in the Student Assistance Program Office and not in the student’s academic file. Student Employment Due to the intensity of all full-time academic programs, outside employment during regular school terms is strongly discouraged. Student Insurance Requirement All students are required to carry health insurance. NSU strongly encourages students to ensure their health insurance provides sufficient coverage to obtain all necessary diagnostic and treatment services following an exposure incident, prior to matriculation into clinical practice areas. Proof of insurance and documentation of all required immunizations must be provided. Students may not drop insurance coverage while in the program. The student has the exclusive responsibility for any medical bills arising during the student’s clinical training. NSU is not responsible for any medical fees incurred for emergency room visits or in other healthcare settings. For detailed information, including waiver deadlines, access to the online waiver, NSU Student Insurance Plan features, costs, andmore, students should visit the bursar’s web page at