Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Health Professions Division 2024–2025 82 HPD Policies and Procedures Acceptance of Professional Fees The activities of students are not to be construed as the practice of medicine, optometry, pharmacy, audiology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant, anesthesiologist assistant, cardiovascular sonography, medical sonography, respiratory therapy, nursing, dentistry, public health, nutrition/dietician, couple and family therapy, or speech-language pathology. It is a violation of the law and contrary to the policy of this university for any unlicensed person to attempt to engage in the professional practice of health care. Students who are appropriately licensed in a profession may engage in that professional work to the extent provided by law. Background Checks The HPD may require students within its HPD programs to submit to a Level 1 and/or Level 2 background check, as defined in Chapter 452, Florida Statutes, prior to admission into an HPD program or at any time during the term of enrollment. Each HPD college or programmay also establish college- or program-specific requirements for background screening of students or applicants. Accepted applicants and students in such programs are required to authorize the HPD to obtain background check(s) as per adopted policy of March 2011. If the background check(s) reveal information of concern, which the HPD may deem unfavorable, the HPD will request that the individual provide a detailed written explanation of the information contained in this report, along with appropriate documentation (e.g., police reports). Students may also be required to authorize clinical training facilities that they are assigned to by the HPD to obtain a background check, with the results reported to the clinical training facility. Students with questions concerning background checks should contact their respective college and/or academic program for more information. For programs that require students to submit to background checks, offers of admission will not be considered final until the completion of the background check(s), with results deemed favorable by the HPD, and where appropriate, by the clinical training facilities. If information received in connection with a background check indicates that a student has provided false or misleading statements, has omitted required information, or in any way is unable to meet the requirements for completion of the program, then the student’s admission may be denied or rescinded, the student may be disciplined or dismissed, or the student’s enrollment may be terminated. Acceptance to an NSU HPD program does not guarantee that students with information of a concern will be accepted by clinical training facilities to which they may be assigned. Students enrolled in the HPD have a continuing duty to disclose any arrest, conviction, guilty or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program, or its equivalent, for any criminal offense. Students are required to notify their dean’s office within 10 days of any arrest or subsequent conviction, guilty, or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program, or its equivalent, for any criminal offense. While enrolled at NSU, students have a continuing duty to disclose all of the above, along with any arrests or pending criminal charges within 10 days of any arrest or charges are filed. Students, other