Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

76 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook University Administrators George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D.—President and Chief Executive Officer Harry K. Moon, M.D.— President-Elect and Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D.—Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Daniel J. Alfonso, M.Fin.—Vice President for Facilities Management and Public Safety Bonnie Clearwater, M.A.—Director and Chief Curator of NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale Marc Crocquet, M.B.A.—Vice President for Business Services Ken Dawson-Scully, Ph.D.—Associate Provost and Senior Vice President for the Division of Research Kyle Fisher, B.A.—Vice President for Public Relations, Marketing, and Creative Services James Hutchens, M.L.S.—Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian Richard E. James, B.S.—Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, NSU Health Meline Kevorkian, Ed.D.—Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Assessment and Accreditation Gary S. Margules, Sc.D.—Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer Ronald Midei, M.B.A., CPA—Executive Director of Internal Audit Michael Mominey, M.S.—Associate Vice President for University Advancement and Director of Athletics Terry J. Mularkey, M.A.S., CFRE—Vice President for University Advancement and Chief of Staff Thomas Panza, J.D.—Interim Vice President for Legal Affairs Stacy Peña-Villalobos, Ed.D.—Vice President for Financial Aid and Academic Records Robert Pietrykowski, J.D., M.B.A., M.A.—Vice President for Human Resources Leonard J. Pounds, Ph.D., M.S.—Vice President for NSU Health Administration Irving Rosenbaum, D.P.A., Ed.D., M.P.A.—Vice President for Operations, Health Professions Division Don Rudawsky, Ph.D.—Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Shari Saperstein, Ed.D.—Vice President for Student Affairs