Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 69 Office of Student Affairs Marketing The Office of Student Affairs Marketing sets the communication standards and assists all offices within the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs with their promotional and marketing needs. The office works to inform the students and the university community of available activities, programs, and services being offered. The office also serves students and student organizations, and provides guidance to ensure adherence and compliance to the university brand. Services for students and the university community include, but are not limited to, Student Poster Printing Services—complimentary large format poster printing service for curricular-related use by students and faculty, and extracurricular use by student organizations—theSharkFountainBrickProject,SharkLens(studentphotographyservices), andSharkFINS— a weekly student e-newsletter. Office of Student Conduct The Office of Student Conduct supports the educational mission of the institution by reviewing and resolving alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. Guided by the university’s eight core values, the office encourages students to take responsibility for their actions, learn conflict resolution skills, enhance decision-making abilities and develop social awareness and ethical values. Additionally, the office supports the NSU Student CARE Team, a multidisciplinary team designed to provide support for students’ well-being and academic success by connecting students in need with campus and community resources. In addition, the office supports the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee by ensuring that students experiencing or exhibiting behaviors that are of concern in relation to their personal, physical, and emotional well-being are supported and connected to various resources. Office of Student Disability Services The Office of Student Disability Services provides information and individualized accommodations to ensure equal and comprehensive access to university programs, services, and campus facilities. Information about requirements for requesting academic or facility accommodations, by any student enrolled at the university, is available online through the office website. Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement The Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement provides NSU students with the opportunity to become involved in a variety of leadership development programs, as well as civic engagement and service learning activities in the community, in the state of Florida, nationally, and internationally. The student-led Active Sharks Council creates opportunities for civic engagement on a variety of topics. Signature programs include service days, alternative breaks, LEAD Week, the Annual Leadership Conference, the Tool Kit Series for leadership development, and the facilitation of Experiential Education and Learning Units in leadership development and community engagement. The office also houses NSU’s premier leadership program, Hochberg-Miniaci Razor’s Edge Leadership, a dynamic leadership development program for high-performing student leaders who participate in a four-year curriculum