Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 25 NSU owns a nonexclusive right to my likeness and understand that, although NSU will endeavor to use my likeness in accordance with standards of good judgment, NSU cannot warrant or guarantee that any further dissemination of my likeness will be subject to NSU’s supervision or control. Accordingly, I release NSU from any and all liability related to the use, dissemination, reproduction, distribution, and/or display of my likeness in any media format, and any alteration, distortion, or illusionary effect of my likeness, whether intentional or otherwise, in connection with said use. I also understand that I may not withdraw my permission for use of my likeness which was granted. Student-athletes are permitted to use, control, and commercialize use of their likeness in a wide range of activities name, image, and likeness activities (NIL), including, but not necessarily limited to, • commercials/advertisements for products and services • development and promotion of the student-athlete’s own brand/business • personal appearances • promotion of student-athlete-run camps, clinics, and private lessons • sponsored social media activities • autograph sessions In accordance with NSU’s Student-Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness Policy, Section 1006.74, and current NCAA Division II Bylaws, NSU will not restrict student-athletes from the ability to commercialize use of their likenesses. However, NSU student-athletes shall not use NSU intellectual property in connection with their NIL activities unless the prior written permission of NSU has been secured in writing through an agreement granting specified rights. NSU intellectual property includes, but is not limited to, NSU’s name, trademarks, service marks, logos, colors, symbols, apparel with university trademarks/logos, and uniforms, regardless of whether the intellectual property is registered. NSU may grant or refuse to grant permission in its sole discretion. Student-athletes may, in connection with NIL activities, state that they are a student-athlete at NSU and/or list their personal academic or athletic accolades. However, student-athletes shall not state or imply, directly or indirectly, that NSU is endorsing the NIL activity or any products or services associated with that NIL activity. A.9 Indebtedness to the University By registering for courses at Nova Southeastern University, the student accepts financial responsibility for payment of all institutional costs including, but not limited to, tuition, fees, housing, health insurance, and meal plan (if applicable), and any additional costs when those charges become due. Payment is due in full at the time of registration for graduate and professional students. Undergraduate institutional charges; including tuition, fees, and housing, if applicable; must be paid in full or satisfied with payment arrangements by August 1 (for the fall semester) and December 1 (for the winter semester). NSU eBill notices are sent the middle of each month to the student’s NSU email address. However, to avoid late charges, students should not wait for the notice to pay their tuition and fees. A student will not be able to register for future semesters with outstanding balances from previous semesters. If a student has a balance 30 days after the start of the semester, a hold and a $100 late fee will be placed on the student’s account. This hold freezes student services, including, but not limited to, campus residence hall check-in, future registration, and use of the NSU RecPlex. It will remain on the student’s account until the balance has been paid in full. Delinquent student account balances may be reported to a credit