Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 136 Dissertation Committee Makeup • The chairperson must be an ACON nursing faculty member. • A chairperson must be selected before the end of NSG 7270 Doctoral Inquiry: Seminar I. A Chairperson Letter of Agreement must be completed at that time and sent to the program director of the Ph.D. program. A copy of the letter can be found in the dissertation guide. • At least one other committee member must be an NSU faculty member. • A list of eligible ACON nursing faculty members can be found in the Ph.D. Student Center. Dissertation Proposal Defense After all committee members have determined a student is ready to defend chapters one through three, a proposal defense will be scheduled. All committee members must sign the Approval for Proposal Defense form. A copy of this form is located in the Ph.D. Student Center. Format for Proposal Defense • Once approval is given to schedule the defense, the student is responsible to contact each committee member for availability and schedule the defense. • The proposal defense may be conducted by remote videoconference. • Once the defense is scheduled, the chairperson will arrange the conference call number. Only the committee members and program director may attend the defense. • The student should email a PowerPoint presentation and the current copy of the dissertation to each committee member 48 hours before the defense date. • The student will have 20 minutes to present, followed by a question and answer session. • Following the presentation and question and answer session, the committee will deliberate and give their decision and recommendation to the student. • After successful completion of the proposal defense, the student will submit the Institutional Review Board (IRB) proposal to the student’s dissertation chairperson. Once approved by the dissertation chairperson it is submitted to the ACON center representative for the IRB at NSU. • After approval from the IRB at NSU, the student may then seek approval from the IRB at participating institutions (if any). Dissertation Defense • After approval by all committee members, a final defense will be scheduled. • The student may be required to have the dissertation reviewed by an NSU-approved editor.