Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 135 D.N.P. to Ph.D. Program The D.N.P. to Ph.D. program is designed for nurses who have completed the D.N.P. degree through a regionally accredited school (CCNE, ACEN, CNEA), and have an interest to further their education to complete a Ph.D. in Nursing with a focus on nursing education or administrative leadership. The program begins in the winter semester. The program is six semesters (27 credits) of coursework, followed by a minimum of three semesters (9 credits) of dissertation. The classes are online, and there is a one-week summer institute held at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus (D.N.P. to Ph.D. students will attend two summers). Summer institute occurs once per year, generally late May or early June, and attendance is required each year. Research Hours After successful completion of the quantitative and qualitative research courses, the student will seek approval to begin the research practicum. Each student will be expected to complete 90 hours of mentored research experience prior to the comprehensive examination. To complete this requirement, the student will select a research mentor. The mentor must be Ph.Dprepared and have experience in the research method. A current curriculum vitae of the research mentor and the Research Hours Proposal form will be completed and signed by both the student and the student’s selected research mentor. This form contains a short narrative synopsis of the focus of the research mentoring experience. The form is submitted to the faculty adviser for approval. The form can be located in the Ph.D. student center. Comprehensive Examination Each student will be required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination after the completion of all coursework and research hours and prior to proceeding to the dissertation phase of the program. Students will receive information about the dates and requirements for the comprehensive examination in the semester preceding the examination. The comprehensive examination is designed to evaluate the Ph.D. student’s mastery of the content of the Ph.D. Program. The examination consists of four questions, and a passing grade is required for all four questions to successfully complete the examination and advance in the Ph.D. program. Students may have two attempts to successfully complete the examination. Once a student has successfully completed the comprehensive examination, the student may use the initials Ph.D.(c). Dissertation Requirements Students enrolled in the Ph.D. in Nursing program with a focus on education or administrative leadership should follow the requirements for dissertation as outlined in the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Dissertation Guide. A copy of this guide is also located in the Ph.D. student center.