Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 120 • The nursing clinical uniform consists of teal scrubs with the student’s name and NSU embroidered on the left side of the scrub top and white clinical jacket. • Tattoos: All tattoos must be covered at all times when the student is on campus, while in uniform, or at the clinical setting. Artificial eyelashes are not permitted. • Piercing: One piercing, only in the lobe of the ear with a small stud, is allowed. No dangling earrings are allowed. Spacers, ear disks, and/or ear gauges are not permitted. • Nails: Fingernails must be short, clean, and unpolished. Artificial nails are not allowed. • Hair: Hair must be neatly groomed and professional in appearance. This includes, but is not limited to, natural hair colors (e.g., pink hair, blue hair, etc., is not permitted). Hair must be tied back and off the collar while participating in clinical rotations and while in the simulation laboratory. • Facial hair should be closely trimmed. • White clinical jackets should be worn by all ACON students participating in classroom, clinical, laboratory, externship, or research experiences. • Students must wear scrubs or teal polo shirts and khaki bottoms to clinical experiences in psychiatric-mental health nursing and community health nursing. • Shoes: If wearing scrub sets, students must wear white shoes. If wearing khaki slacks/skirts and teal polo shirt or business attire, students must wear brown/black shoes. • Additional attire may include long-sleeve white or gray T-shirts under the scrubs. • Fake eyelashes are not allowed when wearing scrubs or uniforms in educational labs and clinical environments such as hospitals. No institutional scrubs may be worn by any ACON student at any time while on campus. Institutional scrubs are those that have the identification symbols or lettering from the institution that owns or issues them. Those scrubs are marked in locations that are easy to identify as being part of the inventory of that institution. The following attire is never appropriate while the student is on campus: jeans, capris, leggings, shorts or cutoffs, miniskirts (higher than mid-thigh), see-through clothing or halter tops, flip-flops, jogging or exercise clothing, hats or caps (unless for a religious reason), or inappropriately mismatched garments. Students will wear the prescribed uniform during designated clinical experiences and be neatly groomed. The specified uniform is worn when the student is in the hospital, nursing lab, or health care agency under the supervision of a professor. When on campus, students may wear professional business casual attire or their NSU scrubs with their white clinical jackets. If the student elects to wear the NSU scrubs to class, they must be laundered in time for the next clinical experience. The specified scrub style and polo shirts are to be ordered and purchased through the NSU Bookstore or the approved vendor. No other uniform is acceptable. The HPD section of this handbook outlines the dress code for NSU health professions students and serves as the foundation for the ACON’s dress code. Students must adhere to the HPD dress code and the ACON’s detailed dress code as outlined. The dress code is to be observed at all times including