Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 119 meet their preceptor. Failure to meet this requirement may jeopardize progression in the course and the A.P.R.N. program. A.P.R.N. students are expected to begin clinical hours when didactic coursework begins. Clinical site and preceptor are approved by clinical coordinators. Students are not permitted to compress clinical hours at the beginning or the end of the semester. It is the expectation that attendance at clinical will be on a weekly basis to allow for full integration of course content. Graduate students are expected to notify the preceptor, the clinical site, and the program director two hours ahead of the clinical if they are to be absent from the clinical experience. All absences must be made up. Promptness Promptness is another trait a professional health care practitioner must display. Additionally, tardiness in class disturbs both the lecturer and other members of the class and is thus markedly inconsiderate and rude. Class schedules are published and available online. Administration reserves the right to make changes, assign weekend hours, or deviate from published schedules with notice. Students will await the instructor’s arrival until at least 20 minutes after the specified starting time, unless notified otherwise by an authorized person. Religious Holiday Policy See the Religious Holidays Policy section in the NSU Student Handbook portion of this publication. Clinical hour requirements will not be excused and will follow ACON policy for missed clinical. Dress Code Students must maintain a neat and clean appearance befitting those attending professional school. Therefore, attire should convey a professional appearance whenever the student is on the division campus and in classes or laboratory or on an experiential rotation or program. The dress code is to be maintained at all times on any NSU campus and all areas involved in providing patient care. The dress code is applicable Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and for any clinical, laboratory, externship, or research experience that may fall outside of the aforementioned time frame. Those failing to comply with the dress code may be dismissed from the classroom, campus, and/or clinical setting. A written warning describing the infraction will be entered into the student’s file. The dress code is to be observed at all times, including during midterms, examination periods, and advisement. Students are assigned to various clinical facilities for clinical rotations as an ACON student. Compliance with individual dress codes as specified by policies of the clinical site is required. The following is professional attire from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: • Professional business dress for nonclinical classes is preferred and includes shirts, slacks/skirts, blouses, dresses, appropriate shoes, and white clinical jackets. • Students must visibly wear NSU I.D. badges while on campus, at all clinicals, practicums, immersions, or any other ACON-affiliated experience.