Nursing Student Handbook 2024-2025

Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 118 Student Responsibility for Missed Assignments If a course requirement is late, the student must refer to the syllabus and meet with faculty member(s) as soon as possible. Some assignments can not be made up. Faculty Member Responsibility for Missed Assignments Faculty members are under no obligation to provide makeup quizzes/tests/exams for students who have unexcused absences from classes in which those quizzes/tests/exams are administered. Although the course instructor should exercise a fair and consistent standard for resolving questions of missed assignments, the type, extent, manner, and time frame of any makeup assignments shall be at the discretion of the instructor/program director. Clinical/Laboratory/Practicum Absence Attendance at undergraduate clinical or lab is mandatory. An excused absence requires the student to notify the clinical instructor and course faculty member(s) a minimum of 48 hours prior and submit documentation as soon as reasonably possible. An excused absence, with documentation, may include medical, legal, NSU cocurricular events, bereavement, or other emergency situations. In medical or other emergency circumstances, the student will provide notification and documentation as soon as reasonably possible. An unexcused absence or failure to provide appropriate notification and supporting documentation may result in course failure, academic and/or behavioral warning/probation/dismissal, and a referral to the CSP. The program director, with the department chair, is the final authority in determining if an absence is excused and if sufficient documentation has been provided. Any clinical/lab hours missed must be completed prior to the end of the term to pass the course. All students who are absent from the clinical/lab experience may be responsible for clinical instructor/professor payment. The ACON will assign the makeup day(s). Students should refer to the course syllabus for additional information on clinical/laboratory/practicum absences. Graduate Students A.P.R.N. students are expected to follow the graduate clinical guide. Students must notify the site and the clinical coordinator if they are unable to attend a planned clinical day. Clinical Rotations and Practicum Experiences Attendance is required for all clinical and practicum experiences. Policies and procedures for all clinical and practicum experiences are program specific. B.S.N. students must live within 150 miles of their assigned campus. Graduate A.P.R.N. Students Students enrolled in the A.P.R.N. programs are active partners in their educational process. Students are responsible to notify the clinical coordinator two semesters prior to the start of each clinical course if they have an identified preceptor and clinical site. The clinical coordinator will confirm that the preceptor meets NSU requirements for clinical supervision and that the site provides the appropriate clinical experience. If an A.P.R.N. student does not have a preceptor requested or clinical site, the clinical coordinator will place the A.P.R.N. student within the 150-mile radius of the student’s residential ZIP code. This placement, once made, is not negotiable. Students are required to submit all required paperwork prior to the start of clinical hours and to make arrangements to visit the clinical site and