Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 114 effort to notify students of class changes as far in advance as possible and feasible. Changes are made to benefit the quality of the education students receive. Community Activities The ACON endeavors to be integral to the community’s health. The college recognizes the importance of community participation. The institution and the college are dependent upon the community for clients, employers, and support, just as the community is dependent on the institution for employment opportunities and for the college’s services. The nursing program participates in service activities that contribute to the community’s health. Students will be given advanced notice so they can plan their schedules accordingly. Undergraduate Service Hours Students in the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing are required to complete community service hours to graduate. Students are required to complete 25 service hours, at a minimum of 5 hours per semester. Prior to beginning, the hours must be approved per ACON policy. Student Grievances Except for grievances and/or complaints involving sexual misconduct, discrimination, and disability accommodations, this process should be followed for all nonacademic grievances of policies/procedures that are not governed by a specific academic center, program, college, or school. If the grievance is related to perceived discrimination, please refer to the university’s Equal Opportunity/Nondiscrimination Policy in the NSU portion of this publication for more information. Academic grievances should be referred to the program director or the Committee on Student Progress (CSP). The purpose of this policy is to address other nonacademic formal complaints. 1. We recommend students try to resolve the issue professionally with the other party involved. 2. W hen formal grievance steps are perceived as necessary, the student will present the grievance to the appropriate program director. 3. I f a satisfactory solution cannot be achieved, the student will be advised to prepare a written summary of the grievance for the department chair. 4. The department chair will request a meeting with the student and the program director. 5. If the grievance is not resolved after meeting with the department chair and the program director, the student’s written grievance, along with a summary from the department chair, will be sent to the dean, and a meeting with the dean, department chair, and student will be scheduled. 6. The dean will advise the student, in writing, of the action taken to resolve the grievance.