Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing (ACON) 2024–2025 109 Dean’s List Undergraduate students who receive a 3.8–4.0 GPA are placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. A letter of commendation is sent to the student, and the honor is recorded on the student’s official transcript and diploma. Dean’s letters are only awarded during the fall and winter terms. Students taking master’s level courses, excluding certificate students, who receive a 3.6–3.79 GPA are placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. A letter of commendation is sent from the dean to the student, and the honor is recorded on the student’s official transcript and diploma. Dean’s letters are only awarded during the fall and winter terms. Students are ineligible if they have received an incomplete grade during the semester or are repeating a course. Applying for Graduation Students will be notified near the end of the program of time and dates to fill out paperwork for graduation. It is the students’ responsibility to apply for graduation. Graduation photos will be scheduled through the nursing department. Nursing students participate in the college graduation ceremony, typically held during the month of May for undergraduate students and August for graduate students. Cap and gowns are ordered through the NSU Bookstore. The ACON nursing pin, which can only be purchased by ACON nursing program graduates, will be available for order during the last semester of the nursing program. The pin also has a pin guard for M.S.N. students. Campus/Program Transfer Once accepted to a nursing program on a specific campus, students must petition for a transfer request. Students will submit, in writing, their current campus/program, the campus/program they would like to transfer into, and the rationale for the transfer request. This request must be submitted to the student’s current campus program director, transfer campus program director, and the department chair. The final decision will be made by the dean in collaboration with the department chair. Health Forms and Examinations The college is required to submit to clinical sites satisfactory evidence that each program participant is free from contagious disease and does not otherwise present a health hazard to hospital clients, employees, volunteers, or guests prior to participation in the program. Students are required to follow the requirements of the Health Professions Division (HPD) and the clinical agencies. Students must achieve compliance with all immunization requirements applicable to the program and upload documents to the online portal used by the college. Students must have a certificate of physical examination completed by their health care provider. Forms will be provided to each matriculant as part of the admissions package. Students must maintain full compliance with required immunizations until students have graduated from program. Additional testing and requirements may be needed based on individual hospital/agency requirements. These costs will be the responsibility of the student.