College of Nursing - Graduate Nursing Brochure
Health Professions Division | 15 M.S.N.—A.P.R.N. Program Goal The graduate program builds on baccalaureate education and prepares graduates for advanced roles within the dis- cipline of nursing. M.S.N. Program Outcomes Graduates of the M.S.N. program will be able to 1. exhibit leadership through collaboration to promote quality and safety for improved patient outcomes 2. transform clinical and educational practice through the integration of evidence 3. design innovative strategies to improve practice environments 4. incorporate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relevant to advanced nursing roles 5. advocate for equitable health care policies that improve population health 6. promote a culture of lifelong learning embracing professional nursing standards and values Family Nurse Practitioner/Gero-Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Outcomes Students successfully completing these concentrations will be able to 1. design evidenced-based advanced nursing care for the target population 2. integrate theory, evidence, clinical judgment, and interprofessional perspectives to improve health care outcomes for the target population 3. employ information systems technology and interprofes- sional collaboration to optimize safe and cost-effective health care outcomes 4. develop, implement, and evaluate clinical prevention and population health activities within the scope of practice
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