College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

43 Describe the data collection procedures (e.g., interviews, focus groups, field notes, audio- recordings, observations). Include interview guide, questionnaire, or demographic data sheet if applicable as appendices. Data Management and Organization Describe the process used to manage and ensure the integrity of the transcribed data. Content will be dependent on the specific qualitative method used Data Analysis Describe the data analysis process such as: • Data immersion • Read the text through the lens of the research question or theoretical framework • Coding • Constant comparison • Repeat the process • Identify patterns and themes Rigor This section should address criteria for identifying rigor of the data and analysis: credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and authenticity. The explanation of confirmability should include how the student will carry out member checks. The discussion should include how they apply and how they will be assured. Limitations Discuss how the study design will affect the ability to generalize the findings. This section will be in chapter 3 for the proposal and be moved to chapter 5 when the study is completed. Chapter Summary