College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

42 Chapter Three Methods Research Design Qualitative studies use an emergent design and may be cross-sectional or longitudinal. Research Assumptions The research assumption is a statement that is presumed to be true without validation. By determining our assumptions, biases, understandings, and beliefs prior to the research, we are open to the possibilities. For example, the student assumes: • People can reflect on and share their experiences of deeply personal issues • The researcher will maintain openness when interpreting new perspectives • Individuals will report accurately and truthfully about themselves. • Reaching data saturation validates the themes Setting Clearly describe the setting from which you will recruit the participants and in which the data will be collected. Sampling Plan Sampling Strategy Describe the specific, purposive sampling technique you will use. Include the strengths and weaknesses and the limitations imposed. Eligibility Criteria Inclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria. Sample Size Provide an estimate of the sample size. Sample size estimates may be based on previous studies or topics with similar participants. Protection of Human Subjects This section must include a description of how the privacy of the participants will be protected and address any risks or benefits that might result from participation. The NSU IRB website provides clear instructions. Specify if the data will be anonymous or confidential. Risks and benefits of participation. Discuss all potential risks, discomforts, or inconveniences and direct benefits. Data storage. The IRB requires data to be stored separately from any identifiers. Describe the process for securely protecting data. Recruitment Describe the recruitment strategies including the following: • How will the information be delivered • Where recruitment will take place • What recruitment methodology will be used Data Collection