College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

34 Here explain that the student will calculate the Cronbach’s alpha including item-total reliability and alpha if the item were to be deleted. Indicate what the student will consider to be an acceptable and what the student will do about it if it is not, the criteria you will use to adjust the instrument. Hypothesis Testing Here include how the student will assure that the data meets the assumptions required for the statistical test, i.e., that the level of the data meets the demands, the dependent variable is normally distributed in your sample, etc. Include the criteria the student will use to accept that this has occurred. Restate each hypotheses and/or research question. These will provide clear indication as to the statistical tests the student will apply. Explain the statistical test the student will use and why it is appropriate for this analysis. Limitations The study design will pose certain threats to the ability to generalize the findings to this or any other population. This section will be in chapter 3 for the proposal and then be moved to chapter 5 when the study is completed . Threats to Internal Validity Threats to External Validity Chapter Summary