College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

32 Describe the sampling strategy. Identify whether the plan is a probability sampling technique or non-probability and why the student chose the plan. Include the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the sampling plan and the limitations imposed. Eligibility Criteria The demographic portion of your research instrument should have questions that will assure that individuals are eligible to be participants. The exclusion criteria is not the opposite of inclusion. Inclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria. Determination of Sample Size: Power Analysis The numbers of participants recruited are related to the number of variables the student will test and the statistical test the student will apply. It also considers the degree of accuracy the student requires; this is related to your willingness to accept committing either a Type I or Type II error. Lastly, it considers the magnitude of the effect the student anticipates. The student can refer to previous studies to help determine the anticipated effect. If none exist, then the student may choose a medium effect and explain the limitations imposed by choosing this size. G*Power is useful for calculating sample size. Protection of Human Subjects This section must include a description of how the privacy of the participants will be protected and address any risks or benefits that might result from participation. The NSU IRB website provides clear instructions. Specify if the data will be anonymous or confidential. Risks and benefits of participation. Discuss all potential risks, discomforts, or inconveniences and direct benefits. Data storage. The IRB requires data be stored separately from any identifiers, if the student have them. Data is saved in a locked file cabinet in the researcher’s home and on the researcher’s home computer that is password protected for three years and then survey instruments are destroyed by shredding, computer files are erased, computer storage as CDs are destroyed. Explain who will have access to data. Recruitment Describe the recruitment strategies including the following: • How will the information be delivered • Where recruitment will take place • What recruitment methodology will be used Instrumentation This section may be lengthy. It must provide a complete explanation of each of the instruments the student intends to use. If the instrument has been used previously, summarize the reports of validity and reliability provided by those researchers and clearly indicate the