College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

31 Chapter Two Literature Review Include an introductory paragraph that review the purpose of the study and information about what the reader should expect in this chapter. Note the search engines the student used and the terms used to do the search. The literature review should be organized based on the research variables. It is a good practice to organize the sections relative to the variables in the study. This review should be a synthesis and analysis of the literature. It is not simply a list of studies and their findings. Chapter Summary Note strengths and weaknesses of the studies reviewed and what your study will bring to the current body of knowledge on the topic. Chapter Three Methods Include an introductory paragraph that restates the purpose of the study. Do not use the subheading “introduction” because, again, it is understood . Research Design Identify the research design you will use to coherently and logically integrate the different components of the study. This section should only be a few sentences. Discuss the strengths and concerns of the design and why the student chose this design. Research Assumptions The research assumptions are beliefs about the variables that the researcher believes to be true . For example, the student assume that: • The research instruments measure what it states it measures; known as test validity. • An individual’s behavior, and therefore test scores, will typically remain stable over time; known as test-retest reliability. • Individuals will report accurately about themselves. • The test score an individual receives is equal to his or her true ability plus some error, and this error may be attributable to the test itself, the examiner, the examinee, or the environment. Setting Clearly describe the setting from which the student will recruit the sample and in which the data will be collected. Start large and then taper to the exact spot. For example, XXX hospital is a XXX bed facility located in XXX that provides XXX services to XXX general populations. XXX patients receive care in this facility each year….. Sampling Plan Sampling Strategy