College of Nursing - Dissertation Guide

21 < 1 1/2” from top> NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY HEALTH PROFESSIONS DIVISION COLLEGE OF NURSING This dissertation, written by <your name> under direction of <his or her> Dissertation Committee, and approved by all of its members, has been presented and accepted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN NURSING EDUCATION DISSERTATION COMMITTEE ________________________________________ _____________ <Typed name and credentials - e.g., Robin Chard, PhD, RN, CNOR,> Date Chairperson of Dissertation Committee _____________________________________________ ________________ <Typed name and credentials Date Dissertation Committee Member _____________________________________________ ________________ Typed name and credentials Date Dissertation Committee Member <at least 1 1/2 “ from bottom> <1 ½ “ left margin> < 1” right side margin > < 1 1/2” from top>