2010 - 2025 Strategic Business Goals

28 28 NSU PROGRAM PREEMINENCE STATEMENT FOR STRATEGIC BUSINESS GOALS 2025 A preeminent program makes outstanding contributions to NSU’s Strategic Business Goals and enhances the university’s reputation nationally and/or internationally. In support of NSU’s Vision 2025, each college’s dean and faculty have identified at least one program that they are targeting to improve to a preeminent status by the end of 2025. In order to demonstrate program preeminence, each dean submitted a report documenting program achievements to a committee consisting of deans, the provost, and the president for review and approval. Evidence of preeminence may include, but is not limited to, • program rankings by highly respected external agencies using sound methodologies • licensure exam performance • program accreditation • student achievements (e.g., retention rates, graduation rates, student awards, student publications) • student and/or faculty member scholarship and research • faculty achievements (e.g., fellowships, editorships of journals, outstanding contributions within their field, leadership positions within professional organizations, awards.) Aspirational Preeminent Program Goals for Deans and Colleges