10 10 FACULTY QUALITY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Performance Measure 2010 Baseline 2020 Target 2020 Actual Progress UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT/FACULTY MEMBER RATIO FTE students: FT faculty member 22:1 13:1 17:1 Progress FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBERS TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE COURSE SECTIONS Percentage of UG course sections taught by FT faculty members (ICUF baseline: 62%)1, 5 42% 70% 61% Progress Percentage of UG general education course sections taught by FT faculty members in the first two years of study5 61% 80% 68% Progress FACULTY MEMBER SCHOLARSHIP AND RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY6 Annual number of grants/ contract proposals processed 175 225 214 Progress Annual number of external grants/contracts awarded 133 150 163 Meets/ Exceeds Target QUALITY OF PROGRAM FACULTY Percentage of programs reviewed through NSU’s Academic Program Review process that have demonstrated improvement or maintained adequate/excellent rating for program faculty7 63% 85% 75% Progress Strategic Priority 2 ENHANCE FACULTY QUALITY 2010–2020 Strategic Priorities Recap