NSU Brand Book 2015

The Nova Southeastern University Brand | 53 THE NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY BRAND / IDENTITY The subject matter and style of our photography is essential in supporting the visual representation of our brand. Stylistically, the imagery should feel naturally occuring and real-life— like a moment captured in time—with a sense of warmth and/or optimism. Natural lighting is crucial in conveying these ideals. Avoid an artificial feeling in the lighting of the image subject—it should not feel staged, posed, or fictional. If possible, avoid extensive photo retouching. Imagery should depict typical university activities such as classrooms and lecture halls, lab work and student life, to name a few. The subject matter should generally represent themes of diverse audiences, learning experiences, a singular subject if possible. When showing students in course-specific situations, our images should be technically correct by showing instructors and students in the appropriate respective dress (lab coats, gloves and/or protective gear, etc). Ideally, there should be a clear, sharp focus on subject matter in the foreground and plenty of “breathing room” —clean, simple areas of uncluttered space—in the background. This broad view of a non-detailed environment in the distance is referred to as “depth of field” and it is important in lending focus to the subject by serving as a contextual backdrop, as well as providing unobstructed areas for headlines or support copy to live. Original photography should always be used. If not possible, work with the Office of Publications to evaluate other options. IMAGERY