NSU Brand Book 2015

The Nova Southeastern University Brand | 37 THE NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY BRAND / IDENTITY The Nova Southeastern University logo is the university’s official graphic identifier and is to be used on all forms of visual communications. The logo should be clearly and prominently displayed. The logo may not be used as part of a headline or running text. Do not decorate with the logo, and avoid excessive repetition. In order to maintain a consistent image for the university, the complete logo may only be used as provided without being recreated, altered, or reconfigured in any way. There are several orientations of the official logo. Any of them may be used depending on the context of the content, size, orientation, and/or other aesthetic restrictions of the branded marketing piece being created. The stacked logo is the preferred version to be used in university materials unless space dictates otherwise. The NSU logo hierarchy starts with the primary NSU logo (pictued on the right). This is Tier 1. It is followed by three secondary logos for Tier 2. Tier 3 is comprised of NSU’s Regional Campus and Colleges, Centers & Schools logos. Tier 4 is the spelled-out university name in Helvetica or Goudy as well as some of the other specialized-use logos. For the tiered sets of logo systems depicted in the following pages, only the stacked versions of Tier 1 are shown in this manual. All restrictions that apply to the stacked logo versions (approved colors, minimum sizes, and clear spaces) also apply to the other versions not shown. If you are unsure about the suitability of the size or background or how to resize the logo without changing its proportions, please consult with the Office of Publications by contacting the identity standards specialist at (954) 262-8851. NSU LOGO HIERARCHY / TIER 1 Primary NSU Logo / Stacked, Two-line